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The events of the original hack sign series have ended with the main two characters hailed as heroes, the only characters to solve the 'final puzzle' of The World.
SunKitten: They're not, actually - they're two totally different characters called Kite and Blackrose, who just happen to look very much like Tsukasa and Mimiru. Honest ^^
Because of this, their character data (i.e. appearance) has been protected so no-one else could use it.
Allegedly, it's the characters from the liminality *games* whose avatars are recreated.  Can someone with a PS2 confirm/deny this?

Now, the main character (or rather his twin sister) has won some kind of contest so they can use the character data (now SD'ed for no apparent reason).

Something in The World is very messed up though, and people seem to have started going into a coma when they die again.

Cue appearance of mystery girl from the first series (only awake this time) and bishounen with wings :)

To me, it looks like the series is going to end up as a _very_ odd combination of fluff and plot.  Which will win out has yet to be seen.

 - Kazuhiko

The series takes a long time to get started, then wraps it all up very quickly, to my mind.  But it (re)introduces everyone nicely, and the prime mystery (why are these avatars recreated, and why are people being put into comas again?) are answered.  The cute comes and goes in bursts.

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Last edited March 30, 2003 3:48 pm (viewing revision 5, which is the newest) (diff)