
ec2-3-135-183-190.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com | ToothyWiki | RecentChanges | Login | Webcomic

See MuHaHa, MuHaHaHa and MuHaHaHaHa. Perhaps also see MuHa although that's more strange than evil.

Disturbingly common on the Wiki. Perhaps this explains the number of people who RunAndHide
Why, they need to find a place of safety from which to cackle maniacally?
Possibly. But I had believed that the canonical response to an EvilLaugh was always to RunAndHide
But they are laughing, so why would they be... oh never mind.

Checking discovers 46 pages with EvilLaughs on. RunAndHide!


ec2-3-135-183-190.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com | ToothyWiki | RecentChanges | Login | Webcomic
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Last edited August 20, 2007 2:52 pm (viewing revision 8, which is the newest) (diff)