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A laughing Cow.
Nah, that's "MuHaMuHa". "MuHa" is the Cow's version of what a Cowboy says when giddying-up a horse (YeeHaa?!). Hmmm, would such a beast be called a boycow?
MuHaMuHa makes Garbled think of an eeyoring (HeeHawHeeHaw) Cow. At a random tangent, Garbled has been cow-riding in Cornwall.
Cow-riding at a random tangent to what?
to a random plane parallel to a random Pedant?
I think we should ask our resident expert on laughing cows, AlexChurchill, to tell us what a laughing cow sounds like.  Especially when it is in the LondonUnderground at the time... :) --MJ
I thought Laughing Cows generally sounded like "Crinkle, Crinkle, Munch, Mmmm."? --DR
As opposed to Dairylea which is more like "Crinkle, fumble, slurp, lick."--Garbled


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Last edited December 23, 2003 10:22 am (viewing revision 13, which is the newest) (diff)