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On a technical note, does anyone know if it is in the realms of possibility for the connection between two GBAs to be routed over the internet?

There would have to be some sort of rewiring and software going on to get the GBA attached to the PC but if it was possible then this would be really quite cool... --K

It would have to be a lot more clever than that.  Many gameboy link games rely upon both units having identical timing.  They don't do anything clever about lost data, or data that arrives out of sync.  It's certainly theoretically possible though.  --Vitenka

MaintainMe: Either this page needs to become GameBoyAdvance? or the GameBoy page needs to become Gameboy?.  Anyone know what would be technically correct?
Techncially - no idea.  But in practice, the abbreivation is GBA.  --Vitenka
There's an easy way of checking... Nintendo's own website repeatedly refers to Game Boy and Game Boy Advance. --CH

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Last edited April 6, 2004 3:09 pm (viewing revision 7, which is the newest) (diff)