
18-97-14-91.crawl.commoncrawl.org | ToothyWiki | RecentChanges | Login

A shopping centre at one of the many geographic anomalies to be found in Cambridge.  (That is, you can approach it on roads that appear to be parallel but that start at opposite ends of Cambridge)

The GraftonCentre (AKA the Grafted On Centre) includes the WarnerVillageCinema, one of two commercial cinemas in Cambridge (the other being the ArtsCinema).

It now wishes to be called simply 'The Grafton', in manner of angsty teenager who adopts suitably pretentious-sounding goth moniker for a few years before looking back on that peiod of her life with emarassment.



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Last edited April 1, 2003 12:33 pm (viewing revision 7, which is the newest) (diff)