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AlexChurchill: Why don't we meet up for a Magic duel sometime?  You bring a couple of your old decks, I bring a couple of my new-cards-only decks.  I'm sure the result won't be 100% wins to me.  And it should be fun for both of us... and isn't that the point in playing Magic? --AlexChurchill

Ignoring temporal-gerographical problems - yes you would.  Your environment is roughly twice the speed of mine, although my mana generation is huge compared to a couple of years ago, I understand it's about average again now.  Also, I'd have to, you know, find my decks and remember how to play.  For the record - played three tournaments, helped run one, missed pro tour by two places and pretty much dropped out once netrunner came out.  So yes, a very very casual player now - but at the time, not so.  So yeah - I guess my views are a little constricted.  Probably the most fun game was the very first one ever before we figured out the rules properly and came upon the concept of consecutive turns. -- Vitenka

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Last edited November 28, 2002 10:22 pm (viewing revision 2, which is the newest) (diff)