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The Great Library has been derelict for years, its precious books scattered across the worlds, its mages, scholars and librarians long gone - until now. One mage has returned, and to him falls the task of restoring what has been lost. But he will find himself collecting more than just books...

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Volume 1 purchase links: [Physical book (Sweatdrop Studios shop),] [Amazon ebook,] [other ebook] :)

[Video of unboxing of volume 1 :)]

You can get the ebooks from Amazon:
[Volume 1]
[Volume 2]
[Volume 3]
Alternatively, there are multiple non-Amazon options:
[Volume 1 (other e-retailers)]
[Volume 1 (just the epub and pdf files for however you like to read them)]
[Volume 2 (other e-retailers)]
[Volume 2 (just the epub and pdf files for however you like to read them)]
[Volume 3 (other e-retailers)]
[Volume 3 (just the epub and pdf files for however you like to read them)]

Happy reading ^^

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Last edited October 5, 2024 10:25 am (viewing revision 7, which is the newest) (diff)