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Did anyone else ever see these?

They were a way of generating sub-plot on the fly.

Cards are illuminati style, with outgoing arrows.  They also have a number, from 1 to 6; and should be linked together only in order.

Each represents a type of event - so the 1's would open a plot with a discovery, then 3 might have some form of conflict - 4's were great because they were a 'you succeed in furthering the plot' type of thing, whilst sixes brought things to a conclusion.

The idea was you dealt them out at the start of a session, and the players threw them into the ring whenever they had an idea that fit, and the main action was a little slow.

An example was "2 - The open door" - "The door opens, and suddenly you can see the path that the clue has set"
You could intepret this literally, or figuratively.

There were several sets of path cards - horror was the only one I saw.  Great for introducing people to TroupeStyle? play.

OP = Vitenka

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Last edited September 23, 2003 12:50 pm (viewing revision 1, which is the newest) (diff)