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The projection of the ExtendedComplexPlane onto a sphere such that 0 is at the south pole and infinity is at the north pole.

Mjb67 writes:
Here's another good one, which seems to me to be related (wikizens please decide for yourselves, and correct if possible my mistakes).  I have, at work, a function that includes a Dirac distribution.  I have to integrate said function.  The only way I have of evaluating said function is by point sampling it.  A Dirac distribution or function is a function that is 0 when point sampled, yet integrates (over -infinity to infinity) to 1.  Lovely!  The practical application, by the way, is the total light coming from a perfect mirror towards the eye, found by integrating the light coming in from all directions multiplied by the scattering formula for a mirror (which is 0 for all incoming directions apart from the reflected direction).

CategoryMaths CategoryGeometry

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Last edited September 6, 2006 3:31 pm (viewing revision 7, which is the newest) (diff)