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Currently taking place on Saturday afternoons at TheCastle (the one on CastleHill), from around 1 'til around 3 (which is when they close), but the times are normally determined week by week and sent out by email (if no email, assume it isn't happening; if you want to be on the mailing list, email sunkitten(at)toothycat.net).

A number of ToothyWikizens often attend.

We're usually upstairs.

Happened twice at TheFlat.

Used to happen in the basement of the CBOneCafe every Saturday afternoon. A two-hour event, starting between noon and 2pm (an email gets sent to regular attendees by regular attendees around Friday. The first regular attendee to send an email decided the exact time for that week.
Before that, it used to happen in Grinders, which is sadly closed down (there's a Millie's Cookies there now, so not a total loss).


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Last edited March 21, 2015 10:48 am (viewing revision 26, which is the newest) (diff)