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 bnf ::= singularnounphrase verbphrase nounphrase

 nounphrase ::= singularnounphrase | pluralnounphrase
singularnounphrase ::= article adjectivephrase singularnoun optionalofclause
article ::= a | the
adjectivephrase ::= adjective adjectivephrase | adjective | nothing
optionalofclause ::= of nounphrase | nothing | nothing
pluralnounphrase ::= optionalthe adjectivephrase pluralnoun optionalofclause
optionalthe ::= the | nothing

 singularnoun ::= groupnoun | cat | dog | sword | doom | death | house | bear | android
pluralnoun ::= groupnoun | balloons | songs | books | mice | organs | staves
groupnoun ::= water | sheep | anime | fish | katana
adjective ::= enormous | green | blue | yellow | overrated | paranoid | transparent | invisible | android

 verbphrase ::= adverbphrase verb
adverbphrase ::= adverb | nothing

 adverb ::= quickly | brightly | dramatically | quietly | painfully | horribly | efficiently | cromulantly
verb ::= creates | kills | eats | walks through | mows down | implements | repairs | replaces | entertains | hides

 nothing ::= ""


ec2-3-239-90-61.compute-1.amazonaws.com | ToothyWiki | Senji | RecentChanges | Login | Webcomic
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Last edited April 29, 2004 9:22 am (viewing revision 7, which is the newest) (diff)