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It's my 21st on September the 19th and I was considering going out for an Indian in Sudbury at some time around that date. You are, of course, all invited - assuming that I've met you at least once.

I'm open to suggestions of good places in Cambridge.
TandooriPalace is the best Indian I know of in Cambs. I've never been to any in Sudbury before, though, and like going to new places ^_^ - MoonShadow

I would appreciate knowing who can make what dates so I can book a table.
We can make either day of the weekend of the 17th/18th and also the 24th September. 25th would be harder, but not impossible. Were you thinking of having it at the weekend? Oh, we can probably do Friday the 23rd or 16th too :) - SunKitten
I was going to go for a weekend but friday is also possible depends what people are doing. --Steve
Any time is fine for me, I don't have a life or anything else to get in the way.... --Tsunami
I think we'd prefer not the 17th, now... - SunKitten
17th it is then. --Steve
Um... ? - SunKitten
Ah misread wasn't paying attention, would probably be going for the 16th then sorry. --Steve
So diaried - thanks :) - SunKitten

ec2-3-147-77-97.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com | ToothyWiki | Steve | RecentChanges | Login | Webcomic
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Last edited August 29, 2005 12:13 am (viewing revision 11, which is the newest) (diff)