| ToothyWiki | Threads | RecentChanges | Login | Webcomic The entirety of the town could hear the /Announcement, blocking all radio and television, and blasting out through loudspeakers placed on the /RealityCheckpoint?. "This statement from the /Dean? of the land, Proud /Grey to /Peshawar? Lord /Amallon?, and protector of the Four Spirits of Earth and Moon.
All sale of edged weaponry is to be monitored. This is because of the waves of recent /Attacks from the /Unborn?. In addition, motive for those trading in edged weaponry is to be recorded.
Regarding the card game /Gesthalt?, when played under the old rules, the eleventh card, the /Butterfly, is disallowed from tourney play. All instances of the butterfly in play are to be recorded.
Due to the recent breakouts of /Brawling? in the streets, there is a curfew to be placed upon the town, effective immediately. Those under the age of 30 must be at home by the tenth hour, those over it by the twelfth. On the first offence, there is a 100 /Woolong? fine. On the second offence, there is a week /Imprisoned? in the castle. On the third offence, there is immediate, irrefutable /Exile?.
These rules and /Regulations are brought to you by /Coniferus? - just because it's alive doesn't mean it can't be built with!"