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"/Richard?!  You're joking!"

"I never joke", /Richard? responded, straight-faced.

"Well, okay, we thank the passer-by, and take the first left, heading for the /Weapon? store he told us about."

/Anna muttered, "/GamesAndPuzzles, indeed..."

They moved their figurines along the street.

"You arrive.  It does indeed have the name '/GamesAndPuzzles'.  But through the window, it doesn't look like a /Weapon? store at all.  It just seems to sell wooden toys and things."

"Well, I'll go in.  I'm a /Student? at the /University?, so I've got an excuse. You guys stay out here."

"Okay, /George?.  But be sure to try to find out if he does sell weapons somehow, yeah?"

"I enter.  Who's in there, /Richard??"

"There are no customers, just the /StoreKeeper.  He smiles at you, and asks if he can help..."

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Last edited April 1, 2003 1:14 pm (viewing revision 2, which is the newest) (diff)