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HowTo TopDeck (Or, in non-wiki: How to top deck)

  1. BecomeVeryLucky
  2. TestYourLuck

For non CCG players' enlightenment:
The ability to draw just the right card for the situation - possibly the only existing card that will save you in a given situation - from the top of your deck.  (Not quite so impressive if you sort the deck first, or make the cards or whatever)

This is some kind of psychic skill - some players have got it, others don't.

RealPlayers can top deck a card which, in order of impressiveness and required skill:

You can usually topDeck better when you are InTheZone or InCircuitMost?.

Should not be confused with CardSharping?.  Is all too often confused with being a JammyBastard?.


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Last edited July 28, 2004 4:12 pm (viewing revision 6, which is the newest) (diff)