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It has been said that given an infinite number of monkeys typing on an infinite number of typewriters for an infinite amount of time, an infinite number of copies of the Works of Shakespeare will be produced.

MoonShadow's comments in this wiki are generated by a staff of six monkeys working part-time on Fridays.

PeterTaylor observes that the hard part is extracting the Shakespeare from the infinite quantity of paper-with-ink-on-it. See also RFC 2795

ChrisHowlett points people [here].

It's been done [before]. - MoonShadow

Requiem observes that this will produce an infinite amount of dead monkeys, seeing as monkeys can eat neither typewriters nor paper (a monkey eaten by another monkey as a dead monkey)

"But there are already a million monkeys typing on a million typewriters, and Usenet is nothing like Shakespeare!"

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Last edited September 23, 2004 1:47 am (viewing revision 8, which is the newest) (diff)