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Something that ToothyWiki, hopefully, isn't.

See http://www.iarchitect.com/mshame.htm for some examples..

I was just producing the same page... -- Senji

There went my dinner hour! -- M-A

Hehe.  Me2, a day or two ago.  T's fun though, isn't it?  I really disagree with them on the Win9x CommonDialogs - I *like* having file-manager options inside an "Open file" dialog box.  (Being able to rename/move files, explore to directories and make new ones, etc.)  And I think they can be a bit quick to brand something "stupid".  But they make a lot of good points on the rest of the site.  All IMNSHO, of course.  --AlexChurchill

Yeah, linked that a few weeks ago.  Good site but very much "nothing must ever change"  - there is value in consistency, but things like 'explorer everywhere' seems more useful to me.  Then again, some of the other examples (the IBM CD player is particularly good) are utter classics.  Rules to learn by, if not necc. live by.  -- Vitenka


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Last edited July 31, 2003 4:26 pm (viewing revision 6, which is the newest) (diff)