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Why do all giant robot anime have to be set in a sci-fi world? Esca proves they don't (well, so does MagicKnightsRayearth?). And it's rather excellent, too. The /Series?, that is, not the /Movie?; at least in MoonShadow's opinion. There's /Manga? too, but MoonShadow has never read it.

The /Movie? serves its purpose of giving everyone from the /Series? five minutes screen time in order to show off their cool new design... Nice but certainly not the best movie ever...

There are actually two versions of the manga, one Shounen, the other Shoujo...  I've only come across a very little of both and my verdict is burn the Shoujo version.  Yes, that's right, I'm actually voting for the Shounen version here.  It might have something to do with Hitomi doing a magical girl transformation to become the 'heart' of Escaflowne for it to work... - Kazuhiko


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Last edited March 26, 2006 7:59 pm (viewing revision 5, which is the newest) (diff)