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Demon Pooka

Location: http://demonpooka.keenspace.com
Updates: Tuesdays and Fridays
Actually Updates: It doesn't. Might be dead.
Rating: 12 maybe?  Possibly 15 but that would be rather harsh.
Recommended by: SunKitten
Example Strip: [The first one]

Features the Demon Pooka and Azrael, his, um, friend. Not really work-safe although not too bad most of the time. Funny and well-drawn.

That was very cool, although very short and the first couple almost stopped me reading further...  What happened though?  We have a 'now returning to the regular storyline' comic (with cute pic) and then the whole thing stops as of a year and a half ago...  Ah well --Kazuhiko
Dunno. I was under the impression that it had died at the hands of Fantastic Cat (her manga) but then she says in the last blurb that she's doing both *shrug* sorry - SunKitten

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Last edited November 3, 2003 6:52 pm (viewing revision 5, which is the newest) (diff)