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Updates: Weekly
Actually Updates: Getting back to weekly now.
Homepage: http://www.radioactivepanda.com/
Recommended strip: [Before the moon!] [See now, that doesn't fill me with confidence]
Recommended by:  Vitenka
Quote: "Labcoat... Werewolf... Talking jar... Be you men... Of SCIENCE?"

Serial insanity.  Short plot arcs and continuity, but with no real aim.
A mad scientist ("And they called me 'angry' - I'll show them, I'll show them all!") and his assistants (the werewolf, and the head floating in a jar) get evicted from their transylvanian castle by the local TorchBearingMob? of AngryVillagers?.  They end up living in the basement of a ChineseRestaurant?.  Which is staffed by a cackling old lady, and a GiantPanda?.
WikiNow - forty teensy tiny werewolves.  --Vitenka

Things get less sane from there.  The art is lovely, the jokes decent and there are riffs on JamesBond aplenty.

SeeAlso: EvilGenius.

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Last edited July 28, 2005 9:26 am (viewing revision 2, which is the newest) (diff)