Tactical CCG, designed for two players. Can be played by more, probably. Uses a "battlefield" layout which the rules only specify the shape of for two players or two-on-two.
The game (which is based on the WingIII? license) represents a combat between two starfighter carriers, the TCS Victory and the KIS Sivar's Glory (Sivar, for those of you wondering, is the name of the Kilrathi war god). The carriers fight each other by launching fighters and equipping them with pilots, weapons systems, etc.
The resources of the carrier are abstracted to "Power Points". Both sides start with 30 and gain two per turn; they are used to pay for fighters, pilots, weapons systems etc and lost when aforementioned pilots, weapons systems etc are killed in combat. If you're dropped down to zero, you lose. You win by killing the opponent's carrier, or by dropping them to zero power points.
Edwin and SF played it at GamesEveninglast week and came to the conclusions that it was more simple than most CCGs, quite good fun and that I needed to build the Kilrathi deck better.
The rules seem to favour creating a single uberfighter and using it to zot the enemy one by one, as they can only attack in waves of two. To counteract this, SF proposes editing "two flights at a nav point" to "three". Needs testing sometime.