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They shall become as God..

More when MoonShadow has played past the intro ^^; Or when someone else adds something.

Where did you find a copy?  Having heard all about it  (In the GamesSnob? 'oh, that was ok, but you really should have seen...' way) I wanted to try, but.. nary a copy to be found.  --Vitenka

MoonShadow bought it for one of his imoutos as a Christmas present a few years back. He's just got around to borrowing it last weekend, but hasn't had time to play it yet. I'd suggest meeting at a SaturdayCoffee to arrange a group playing, except you're not in Cambridge, are you? :/

nagi found a copy on ebay about a year back. Having just had a quick look, it still looks like a decent place to pick up the game.


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Last edited August 16, 2004 12:09 pm (viewing revision 6, which is the newest) (diff)