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If you have a finite number of Sets of stuff, you can a priori take an item from each set and form a new set with these items.
(PeterTaylor) What axiom is that? I thought that was covered by the AxiomOfChoice.
It's not an axiom in itself. I think it's a consequence of the axiom of Replacement (the image under a function of a set is a set). BICBW. --CH
(PeterTaylor) Ah. I was understanding "take an item" to mean that given a non-empty set S you can present an element x in S. I've always understood Choice in terms of computability, since constructionism seems to be the issue.

If you have an infinite number of Sets of stuff, you might not be able to. The AxiomOfChoice says you can, but it is just an Axiom? - you can get perfectly consistent set theories by assuming its converse.


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Last edited February 28, 2004 5:43 pm (viewing revision 5, which is the newest) (diff)