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Would the ToothyWikizens (all two of you, I suspect) who know this dance please say when they learned it? StuartFraser has been taught all of the other Ballroom dances (and all of the Latin ones bar Mambo) and is idly wondering when/how he might manage to learn this one.

What, the really slow and simple boring one? I learned it in a random 5-minute session early on in beginners classes. If you mean the complicated one, we learned that at the intermediate class with (I think) Karen - SunKitten
"The really slow and simple boring one" is social foxtrot, not slow foxtrot. PeterTaylor was deliberately rather specific when he named these pages. And thankyou. --SF
Oh well, I didn't check the main BallroomDancing page when I answered the question. Sorry >.<;; - SunKitten

PeterTaylor observes first that Mambo is Club rather than Ballroom in the IDTA classification. Now that that's out of the way... he learnt a bit of fox in the second term of Bronze - so his 5th term of dancing. (And /VienneseWaltz? in the third term of Bronze, so don't expect your experience to be the same as mine).

M-A learnt it in Beyond Beginners.  First or second term thereof.

Beyond Beginners, first term, week 3. And moderately amused at the general coincidence. --SF

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Last edited October 27, 2003 9:08 pm (viewing revision 7, which is the newest) (diff)