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Another of SweatDrop's younger artists, and contributors to [Sugardrops].

"hee hee! I'm sneaking around on your profile page!"

To make your name link, at the end of your sentence type ` --Bex` (space, hyphen, hyphen..)

umm..MoonShadow, can you do that awesome thing where you put young sweatdropper at the top? How do you do that..? *awesome*
I'm still not sure what you mean by that. But it's a wiki - just edit Denji's homepage, copy the bit you want, paste it here and if it doesn't magically work we can hit is over the head until it does. - MoonShadow
Hopefully the above will do :) --AlexChurchill

Sorry! It doesn't really matter ^_^! You don't have to do anything that involves work ^^


hurrah! hello bex,here's hacking you! --Alyxe
eee! Everyones hacking me! lol! ^_^;

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Last edited August 10, 2004 3:02 pm (viewing revision 10, which is the newest) (diff)