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AdvertisingPoster.  A Bishounen is a 'pretty boy' - someone who looks excessively cute, usually in an ambiguously feminine way.  Wings are optional but preferred.  Attitude is entirely optional - though 'full of himself' is pretty common, along with 'all angsty and stuff'.  Generally tend to extremes, either being the most proficient fighter in their world, or the wimpiest.  Looks stylish either way.

Butterflies, Sakura, RosePetals? and/or PastelSparklies abound.

I think the word exists purely so that the adjective 'bishy' could be created.  --Vitenka

[Have an explicating link]

CategoryAnime or CategoryManga

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Last edited November 3, 2004 5:58 pm (viewing revision 4, which is the newest) (diff)