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One of several modes of Wiki use. A page is created containing a description of its title. The description is elaborated upon by others, resulting in a single ordered document, with few or no inline comments. An unstable form that is prone to eruptions of OngoingConversation, which are usually great fun.

CategoryWiki, WikiEtiquette; see also LeafPage

MaintainMe: Vitenka uses the word PosterPage? for this. As a result, there are [more] pages saying PosterPage? than saying AdvertisingPoster; and I actually think that PosterPage? is a better and easier-to-remember description for the way it's been used. Thus, I suggest a ToothyWikiInternals/AdminEdit to move this page to PosterPage?. --AlexChurchill

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Last edited December 21, 2004 2:55 pm (viewing revision 5, which is the newest) (diff)