18-97-9-168.crawl.commoncrawl.org | ToothyWiki | RecentChanges | Login Much less interesting than demons, as Milton found.
Click the title to find any angelic beings that happen to be on the wiki. In addition, on the principle that MagicTheGathering must colonize all the pages it can, I am obligated to add: like [this].
Well, yes I suppose it is, but it was more the general pose and facial expression. The Voice of Grace definitely looks like she's faced the trials of a being a female character in PhoenixFeathers in the day that painting was done.
[Serra was banned]? Is that just because it rotated out, or was it genuinely considered too powerful?
Looking at the sets it appeared in, my first guess is that it rotated out. I'd need to check the dates to be sure - but AFAIK, it's no longer considered to be one of the most efficient creatures around. (I've seen it argue that it was, once). Oh, and my favourite, possibly: [Wayward Angel] -- TheInquisitor