[Home]EO Epoch1

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The First Epoch has now concluded.  See EO Epoch2 for the ongoing saga.

The First Epoch

This is the first Epoch of the World of ElementalOblivion.

The World is fresh and new; it has great potential, but the elements are still in flux, and even the Magic that rules the World itself is still undergoing evolution.  Therefore the creator has brought forth Mages to guide all that happens, to see that it turns out for the best.

/TheMages - the Mages who have taken on this heavy task
/TheHierarchy - The very magic that controls the World
/WorldState - The current balance of the Elements

/DiscussionForum - for Mages to make public declarations, invite comments, and discuss the State of the World.

To aid the Mages in their deliberations the Keeper of the Records has mades available the following scrolls for the Mages to update:


But beware the Wrath of the Keeper, and follow his /PublishingGuidelines

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Last edited October 27, 2003 10:39 am (viewing revision 6, which is the newest) (diff)