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The annals of previous beats of the heart of the World

The recent history, of the current Heartbeat, may be seen on /HistoryLog.  However, the past provides lessons to those who will hear.  This scroll records all that has occurred since the start of the Epoch.

Heartbeat17thSep - 18thSep

Elemental Strength changes

from Pallando and Hologram's meeting 17-09-03
from Inquisitor and Hologram's meeting 17-09-03
from Pallando and Kitiara's meeting 17-09-03
from Kazuhiko and Hologram's meeting 17-09-03
from Inquisitor and Senji's meeting 17-09-03
from Hologram and Kitiara's meeting 18-09-03
from Kazuhiko and Kitiara's meeting 18-09-03
from Inquisitor and Kitiara's meeting 18-09-03

Total: W+1, A-1, E=, F=

Votes on proposals

No proposals were available to vote on


Heatbeat : 2003-09-17 00:10
Mages: Pallando (EEEEAAAA), Hologram (FFFFWWWW)
Pallando, as Master of Air, proposed that rule 36 ("No more than 1 Action of each Power may be initiated at any given Meeting.") be lowered 8 places, with the intention that it be edited later by secundus to say "Action of one type", so Primus and Tertius may use their seperate powers in the same Meeting (and maybe some additional wording to allow Primus to break more than one tie).
No actions
Pallando, as Master of Earth, proposed that the Keeper of the Records be Hologram
Hologram, as Master of Water, decreed for the good of the World, that one of Pallando's pawns of Air be exchanged for one of Hologram's pawns of Water
Much courtesy and formality was in the air.

Meeting time 2003-09-17 00:21
/MageHologram (FFFFWWWA) and /MageInquisitor (EEEEWWWW) met, and decreed the following enactments to the magical state of the world.
The Master of Tertius (Earth), /MageInquisitor, decreed that in the interests of the ascendancy of all things liquid, the elemental strength of Water be raised at the expense of Air.
The Master of Quartus (Water), /MageInquisitor, decreed that one of Hologram's Water pawns be exchanged for one of Inquisitor's Earth.  Hologram comments that this was negotiated rather than imposed.
The Master of Secundus (Fire), /MageHologram, proposed that the following rule be added to the Hierarchy:
"It is against the Spirit of the World for Mages to discuss at length possible actions that could happen during a potential Meeting."
At least partly prompted by the way that most of these actions had been established since before the World began.
No actions under Primus were taken.
And the /MageInquisitor departed, swirling his cloak.  He really did!  It's a rather funky black cloak...

2003-09-17 00:30: /MageInquisitor (EEEWWWWW) met with /MagePallando (EEEEAAAW) to consider how they might best direct the genesis of the World.
(Primus -) Pallando, as Master of Air, declined to further alter the state of the world, as he deemed that the state in which it had begun was in many ways pleasing to him.
(Secundus -) No Mage aligned with Fire was present, so no actions were taken.
(Tertius E+A-) Pallando, as Master of Earth, deemed that the world would be best served if Earth were to gain ascendency, and that it was regrettable, but necessary, that Air should lose out in this matter.
(Quartus E<->W) Inquisitor, as Master of Water, negotiated the exhange of one of his pawns of Earth, for a pawn of Water - solidifying both in their chosen paths.
Cloaks were swirled, and there was a good deal of putting on airs, but the overall tone was one of friendly cooperation.

2003-09-17 11:30: /MageKitiara (AAAAFFFF) met with /MagePallando (EEEEEAAA) to consider how they might best direct the genesis of the World.
(Primus -) Kitiara, as Master of Air, declined to further alter the state of the world, as she deemed that the state in which it had begun was in many ways pleasing to her.
(Secundus -) Kitiara, as Master of Fire, declined to further alter the state of the world, as she deemed that the state in which it had begun was in many ways pleasing to her.
(Tertius A+F-) Pallando, as Master of Earth, deemed that the world would be best served if Air were to gain ascendency, and that it was regrettable, but necessary, that Fire should lose out in this matter.
(Quartus -) No Water was present at the meeting

2003-09-17 13:20: /MageHologram (EFFFFWWA) met with /MageKazuhiko (EEEEFFFF) to consider how they might best direct the genesis of the World.
(Primus -) Hologram, as Master of Air (or, at least, a gust of wind), decided after discussion with Kazuhiko to propose that rule 17 be moved down 8 places.
(Secundus -) It was decided that no change should be made as yet although discussions of the order that announcements of Actions are made were held.
(Tertius F+E-) Kazuhiko, as Master of Earth, deemed that balance is necessary and hence moved to realign Earth and Fire.
(Quartus -) Hologram, as Master of Water, announced the exchange of his Earth pawn for one of Kazuhiko's Fire pawns, to allow both to develop their strengths.
And it was unanimously decided that Tama looks cute in a mage's cloak and hat

2003-09-17 18:30: /MageInquisitor (EEWWWWWW) met with /MageSenji (AAAAWWWW) to ponder briefly on the way things were developing.
(Primus -) Senji, as Master of Air, declared "I am happy with the state of the World in the area of Primus"
(Secundus -) No Mage aligned with Fire was present, so no actions were taken.
(Tertius W+E-) Inquisitor, as Master of Earth, decried that the element of Water was of foremost importance at this stage, and that a realignment should be undertaken to reflect this. Erosion of Earth seemed a natural consequence.
(Quartus E<->A) Inquisitor, as Master of Water, exchanged a pawn of Earth for one of Air. Thereby diversifying the interests of both parties.
The meeting was brief, and conducted in a back room of the Guild of #Assassins. Nonetheless, it was felt to be fruitful and beneficial to both parties.

2003-09-17 22:45: The World's first formal gathering of more than two Mages happened tonight, when the Mages Hologram (FFFFFWWA), Inquisitor (EAWWWWWW) and Pallando (EEEEEAAA) gathered to reflect on the first day's developments.  Much discussion of future plans, proposals, and eventualities occurred.  The Mages having reflected on their day's work, however, they concluded that it was good, and it was deemed most appropriate to effect no changes to the World or the Hierarchy.  The only Action taken was
(Quartus E<->F) Inquisitor, as Master of Water, enacted an exchange of one of his Earth pawns for one of Hologram's Fire, thereby adding elemental alignment in a previously void area for them both.
The waters of courtesy ran deep, the air of camaraderie was strong.  The fires of enthusiasm and the earth of realism provided balance and satisfaction.  And the Mages' cloaks continued to swirl with ever more impressiveness.

2003-09-18 11:15: The Mages Hologram (EFFFFWWA) and Kitiara (AAAAFFFF) met and discussed the state of the world.
After much discussion, the following actions were performed.
(Primus) Kitiara, as Master of Primus, proposed that rule 40 ("A planned raise or lower of a rule may be of up to 8 positions in the Hierarchy.") be lowered by 8 places.
(Secundus) Kitiara and Hologram, as joint Masters of Secundus concluded that no alterations to the ruleset were desirable at this time.
(Tertius) Hologram, as Master of Tertius decreed that Fire was to raise in influence at the expense of Water.
(Quartus F<-->W) Hologram, as Master of Quartus enacted an exchange of one of his Water pawns for one of Kitiara's Fire.

2003-09-18 12:10: The Mages Kazuhiko (EEEEEFFF) and Kitiara (AAAAFFFW) met.
In a brief meeting, the following actions were performed.
(Primus) Kitiara, as Master of Primus, proposed that rule 49 (" And the name of this World shalt be "Elemental Oblivion".") be raised by 4 places.
(Secundus) Kitiara and Kazuhiko, as joint Masters of Secundus concluded that no alterations to the ruleset were desirable at this time.
(Tertius) Kazuhiko, as Master of Tertius decreed that Earth was to raise in influence at the expense of Water.
(Quartus F<-->E) Kitiara, as Master of Quartus enacted an exchange of one of her Fire pawns for one of Kazuhiko's Earth.

2003-09-18 17:15: The Mages Pallando (EEEEEAAA) and Kitiara (AAAAFFEW) met, most intimately.
During their    discussions, the following was agreed:
(Secundus) Kitiara as Master of Fire proposed the following amendment of wording to rule 55: ("No particular 2 Mages may be at 2 successive Meetings in the same heartbeat.") to become ("No particular 2 mages, having been present in the same meeting, may be present together in another meeting within the same heartbeat until each has attended a meeting in which the other was not present.")
Comments: The Mage Pallando was most awed by Mage Kitiara's clarity of thought.

2003-09-17 18:30: /MageInquisitor (EAWWWWWW) met with /MageKitiara (AAAAFFEW) to discuss the minutae of procedure.
(Primus 56+1) Kitiara, as Master of Air, proposed that Rule 56 be moved up a single place, to give it precedent over Rule 55, and allow it to function properly.
(Secundus 56) Kitiara, as Master of Fire, after considerable discussion with Inquisitor, proposed that Rule 56 become "In the event of a meeting comprising strictly more than 2/3 of the number of mages within the world, each mage present shall have no restrictions upon them joining their next meeting".
(Tertius W+F-) Kitiara, as Master of Earth, agreed to raise the strength of Water, and deemed that Fire was most suited to fall in its place.
(Quartus A<->F) Inquisitor, as Master of Water, consented to exchange his pawn of Air for one of Kitiara's pawns of Fire.
There was considerable discussion of how rule 55 might be better implemented, but it was concluded eventually that the Spirit of the World would prevail in many circumstances, and that removing restriction was of more benefit than contributing to it.

Heartbeat19thSep - 20thSep

Elemental Strength changes

from Hologram and Kazuhiko's meeting 19-09-03
Total: W+1, F-1, E=, A=

Votes on proposals

Tertius (Earth) proposal by Pallando that "the Keeper of the Records be Hologram"

For: /MagePallando EEEEE, /MageKazuhiko EEEEE, /MageInquisitor 0, /MageHologram 0
Against: NONE
Abstentions: NONE
Proposal Passed

Primus (Water) proposal by Pallando that "rule 36 ("No more than 1 Action of each Power may be initiated at any given Meeting.") be lowered 8 places"

For: /MagePallando 0, /MageHologram W, /MageKazuhiko 0
Against: NONE
Abstentions: NONE
Proposal Passed

Secundus (Fire) proposal by Hologram "To add the following Rule to the Hierarchy: It is against the Spirit of the World for Mages to discuss at length possible actions that could happen during a potential Meeting not yet started.  [It's OK to suggest a basis for a meeting and/or a condition for a meeting. Discussion back and forth of precisely what actions should be taken is "in detail" and against the Spirit - it should be done inside the Meeting.]"

For: /MageKazuhiko FFF, /MageInquisitor FF, /MageHologram FFFFFF
Against: NONE
Abstentions: /MagePallando 0
Proposal Passed

Primus (Water) proposal by Hologram "that rule 17 ("The highest Quarter of the Hierarchy may not be raised or lowered, nor may other rules be raised above any of them. The lower three Quarters may only have rules in them raised or lowered by the normal Primus process. [If the maximum is 64, then the top 16 may not be raised or lowered.]") be lowered 8 places"

For: /MageKazuhiko 0
Against: /MagePallando 0
Abstentions: NONE
Proposal Failed

Primus (Water) proposal by Kitiara "that Rule 49 (" And the name of this World shalt be "Elemental Oblivion".") be raised 4 places"

Against: NONE
Abstentions: /MagePallando 0
Proposal Failed

Secundus (Fire) proposal by Kitiara "That rule 55: ("No particular 2 Mages may be at 2 successive Meetings in the same heartbeat.") becomes ("No particular 2 mages, having been present in the same meeting, may be present together in another meeting within the same heartbeat until each has attended a meeting in which the other was not present.")"

Against: /MageKazuhiko FFF
Abstentions: /MagePallando 0
Proposal Failed

Secundus (Fire) proposal by Kitiara "That rule 56: ("-PENDING-") becomes ("In the event of a meeting comprising strictly more than 2/3 of the number of mages within the world, each mage present shall have no restrictions upon them joining their next meeting")"

For: /MageHologram FFFFFF
Against: /MageMoonShadow FF, /MageKazuhiko FFF
Abstentions: /MagePallando 0
Proposal Passed

Primus (Water) proposal by Kitiara "that rule 56 be raised within the hierarchy by 1 place."

For: /MageInquisitor WWWWWW, /MageHologram W, /MageMoonShadow WW
Against: NONE
Abstentions: /MagePallando 0, /MageKazuhiko 0
Proposal Passed


2003-09-20 00:30: /MageHologram (FFFFFAEW) met with /MageKazuhiko (FFFFEEEE) for general discussions and consumption of grapes.
(Primus 23+8) Hologram, as Master of Water, proposed that Rule 23 be moved down eight places.
(Secundus -) Hologram, as Master of Fire, decided that no rules currently required review.
(Tertius W-F+) Kazuhiko, as Master of Earth, raised Fire at the expense of Water.
(Quartus E<->F) Hologram, as Master of Air, exchanged one of Kazuhiko's Fire pawns for an Earth.

In addition /MageMoonShadow was introduced to the ways and natures of the World through the Sponsorship of /MageKazuhiko and /MageHologram.  As such, /MageMoonShadow has now been invested with the powers of Earth, Air, Fire and Water and has undertaken to join with /TheMages in safeguarding and guiding the future of this World.

Heartbeat21stSep - 23rdSep

Elemental Strength changes

F+, E- (from /MageHologram and /MageMoonShadow's meeting on the 21st Sep)
F-, E+ (from /MageMoonShadow and /MageKazuhiko's meeting on the 21st Sep)
W+, E- (from /MageSenji and /MageInquisitor's meeting on the 22nd Sep)
E+, W- (from /MageHologram and /MagePallando's meeting on the 23rd Sep)
Total: No Change

Votes on Proposals

(00:30 Sat 20th)
Primus (Fire) proposed by Hologram, that Rule 23 be moved down eight places.

For: /MageInquisitor FF, /MageHologram FFFFFF
Against: None
Abstentions: None
Proposal Passed


2003-09-21 13:30: /MageKazuhiko (FFFFFEEE) met with /MageMoonShadow (FFWWEEAA) to discuss immanentising the eschathon.
(Primus -) Kazuhiko, as Master of Fire, decided that no changes to the ordering of /TheHierarchy was currently required.
(Secundus +) MoonShadow, as Master of Water, proposed that "If, at the end of an Epoch, no-one has fulfilled the Winning Conditions then the Mage with the greatest Mana (after adjustment) is deemed to have won the Epoch."
(Tertius F-A+) Kazuhiko, as Master of Earth, attempted to raise Air at the expense of Fire, but failed due to Air being outnumbered by Fire at the meeting.
(Quartus -) MoonShadow, as Master of Air, made no change to the current status.

Cthulhu's approval was sought and gained.

2003-09-21 18:43: /MageHologram (FFFFFFWA) met with /MageMoonShadow (FFWWEEAA) to further discuss immanentising the eschathon.
(Primus -) Hologram, as Master of Fire, decided that no changes to the ordering of /TheHierarchy was currently required.
(Secundus +) MoonShadow, as Master of Water, proposed that "At the start of each heartbeat, each mage receives an amount of HeartBeatMana? equal to their Mana score at that time. This may be used during the Heartbeat for Purposes. Any unused HeartBeatMana? is discarded at the end of the Heartbeat."
(Tertius F+E-) MoonShadow, as Master of Earth, raised Fire at the expense of Earth.
(Quartus -) MoonShadow, as Master of Air, made no change to the current status.

On Sunday 21st of September 2003, at the seventh hour in the evening, /MageHologram (FFFFFFWA) and /MageKazuhiko (EEEEEFFF) did Meet and discuss many and varied things.  The magic of the World and that of JaffaCakes was the subject of intense scrutiny.

The sole Action agreed was the Masters of Secundus (Kazuhiko and Hologram in consensus, with naturally no dispute between them, and a sole pawn of Water) proposed that this rule be added to /TheHierarchy:
The law of /TheProphecies - The Epoch comes to a close at the end of a Heartbeat if at least half (minimum three) of /TheProphecies are fulfilled.  In the manner of prophecies everywhere, future events may be described; the prophecy is only fulfilled when those events have come to pass.

On Sunday 21st of September 2003, at half past the seventh hour in the evening, /MageMoonShadow (FFWWEEAA) and /MageKazuhiko (EEEEEFFF) did Meet and discuss many and varied things (including the ways of reticent windows).

The first Action, under Secundus, was the proposal of the following rule to complete the description of /TheProphecies:
At a Meeting any Mage may, as an Action, make a single prophecy for addition to /TheProphecies if they have not already done so this /HeartBeat. They may use an amount of HeartBeatMana? for the Purpose of assigning this prophecy a strength equal to the amount of mana they invest. If at any time the strength of a Prophecy is zero or less, the Prophecy is considered Disproved, and is forgotten within the World.  At a Meeting a Mage may use an amount of his/her HeartBeatMana? for the Purpose of, at the end of that Meeting, increasing or decreasing the strength of one of /TheProphecies by that amount.

The only other action was the reversal of power back from Fire to Earth (via a worried Kazuhiko as Tertius).

22/09/03 01:24 Mages Inquisitor (FFWWWWWW) and Senji (AAAEWWWW) met, briefly.

They agreed to raise the power of Water at the expense of Earth. (Senji Tertius W+E-)
An exchange was carried out, Water for Air. (Senji Quartus W<->A)
It was also agreed to propose the following rule. (Inquisitor Secundus +)
Votes, once cast, may not be rescinded or changed within 6 hours of the conclusion of that vote.

23/09/03 22:00 Mages Hologram (FFFFFFAW) and Pallando (EEEEEAAA) met to discuss multifarious matters.  Actions arising included and were limited to:

Primus: 44-6 /MageHologram, as Master of Fire, proposed to continue the plunge of rule 44 by six places
Secundus: +  /MageHologram, as Master of Water, proposed the following rule be added to /TheHierarchy:
In a Meeting where no Master of Primus is present, no provision is made for the breaking of ties [Mages should reach accord or agree to reach no accord]; however, interpretation of rules shall fall to the Mage with the highest mana.  Issues of interpretation of rules (arising outside of a Meeting) may be dealt with by raising a proposed clarificational ruling as an Action of Primus inside a Meeting, which shall then be voted on under Primus.
We also agreed that an extra /HeartBeat of discussion of this proposal be added, as permitted by rule 33.
Tertius: E+W-  /MagePallando, as Master of Earth, increased the strength of Earth at the expense of Water.

Heartbeat24thSep - 25thSep

Elemental Strength changes

Total: A+1 to 10, E-1 to 9

Votes on Proposals

Secundus (Water): /MageMoonShadow proposed that "If, at the end of an Epoch, no-one has fulfilled the Winning Conditions then the Mage with the greatest Mana (after adjustment) is deemed to have won the Epoch."
For: /MageHologram W, /MageSenji WWWWW, /MageKazuhiko 0, /MageMoonShadow WW
Against: none
Abstentions: /MagePallando 0, /MageInquisitor WWWWWW
Proposal Passed

Secundus (Water): /MageMoonShadow proposed that "At the start of each heartbeat, each mage receives an amount of HeartBeatMana? equal to their Mana score at that time. This may be used during the Heartbeat for Purposes. Any unused HeartBeatMana? is discarded at the end of the Heartbeat."
For: /MageHologram W, /MageSenji WWWWW, /MageInquisitor WWWWW, /MageKazuhiko 0, /MageMoonShadow WW
Against: none
Abstentions: /MagePallando 0
Proposal Passed

Secundus (Water): /MageHologram proposed "The law of /TheProphecies - The Epoch comes to a close at the end of a Heartbeat if at least half (minimum three) of /TheProphecies are fulfilled.  In the manner of prophecies everywhere, future events may be described; the prophecy is only fulfilled when those events have come to pass."
For: /MageHologram W, /MageSenji WWWWW, /MageInquisitor WWWWW, /MageKazuhiko 0, /MageMoonShadow WW
Against: none
Abstentions: /MagePallando 0
Proposal Passed

Secundus (Water): /MageMoonShadow proposed that "At a Meeting any Mage may, as an Action, make a single prophecy for addition to /TheProphecies if they have not already done so this /HeartBeat. They may use an amount of HeartBeatMana? for the Purpose of assigning this prophecy a strength equal to the amount of mana they invest. If at any time the strength of a Prophecy is zero or less, the Prophecy is considered Disproved, and is forgotten within the World.  At a Meeting a Mage may use an amount of his/her HeartBeatMana? for the Purpose of, at the end of that Meeting, increasing or decreasing the strength of one of /TheProphecies by that amount."
For: /MageHologram W, /MageSenji WWWWW, /MagePallando 0, /MageKazuhiko 0, /MageInquisitor WWWWW, /MageMoonShadow WW
Against: none
Abstentions: none

Secundus (Water): /MageInquisitor proposed that "Votes, once cast, may not be rescinded or changed within 6 hours of the conclusion of that vote."
For: /MageHologram W, /MageSenji WWWWW, /MageInquisitor WWWWW
Against: /MagePallando 0
Abstentions: /MageKazuhiko 0, /MageMoonShadow WW
Proposal Passed

Primus (Fire): /MageHologram proposed that Rule 44 ("No more than 1 Action of each Power may be initiated at any given Meeting.") be lowered 6 places.
For: /MageHologram FFFFFF, /MagePallando 0
Against: none
Abstentions: /MageKazuhiko FFF
Proposal Passed


Sep 25 14:15:26: /MageInquisitor and /MageSenji met to discuss the correct size of /TheHierarchy.
(Primus) /MageInquisitor, as Master of Fire, decided that no changes to the ordering of /TheHierarchy was currently required.
(Secondus) /MageSenji and /MageInquisitor, as Masters of Water, proposed that rule 38 be changed to read " The Maximum Size of the Hierarchy shall be 76.".
(Tertius W+E-) /MageSenji, as Master of Earth, raised Water at the expense of Earth.
(Quartus -) /MageSenji, as Master of Air, decreed that he was happy with the current distribution of pawns.

2003-09-25 20:15 /MagePallando (EEEEEAAA - Tertius) and /MageKitiara (AAAAAFEW - Primus, Secundus, Quartus) met to consider the implications were the Maximum Size succeed in being increased.
(Primus 17-4) /MageKitiara agreed to /MagePallando's request that Rule 17 ("The highest Quarter of the Hierarchy may not be raised or lowered, nor may other rules be raised above any of them. The lower three Quarters may only have rules in them raised or lowered by the normal Primus process. [If the maximum is 64, then the top 16 may not be raised or lowered.]") be loweder by 4 places to preserve its mutable status.  She also Ruled, as Master of Primus, that her Primus proposal could not be worded such that the lowering only take effect if the Maximum Size change as proposed above.  She suggested that people merely vote against it if it seems the above proposal is also failing.
(Tertius A+W-) /MagePallando, at /MageKitiara's request, agreed to Raise Air at the expense of Water, not Fire.

Heartbeat26thSep - 27thSep

Elemental Strength changes

2003-09-26 /MagePallando /MageKitiara
2003-09-26 /MagePallando /MageHologram /MageMoonShadow

    Running total: W-2, F=, E+1, A+1

Votes on Proposals

Secundus (Water): /MageHologram proposed that "In a Meeting where no Master of Primus is present, no provision is made for the breaking of ties [Mages should reach accord or agree to reach no accord]; however, interpretation of rules shall fall to the Mage with the highest mana.  Issues of interpretation of rules (arising outside of a Meeting) may be dealt with by raising a proposed clarificational ruling as an Action of Primus inside a Meeting, which shall then be voted on under Primus."
For: /MageHologram 1W /MagePallando 0W /MageSenji 5W /MageInquisitor 5W
Proposal Passed Unanimously

Secundus (Water): /MageSenji /MageInquisitor proposed that "The Maximum Size of the Hierarchy shall be 76."
For: /MageHologram 1W, /MageSenji 5W, /MageInquisitor 5W
Proposal Passed

Primus (Fire): /MageKitiara  proposed that "Rule 17 be lowered 4 places."
Against: /MageInquisitor 2F
Abstentions: /MageSenji 0F
Proposal Failed


2003-09-26 14:00
/MageKitiara (Tertiuis) Raised Air at the expense of Water (Scribe Pallando apologises profusely for forgetting this)
/MagePallando prophesied: "And there shalt be a meeting of 5 or more Mages, wherein the end of the epoch is discussed, and changes to the rules are proposed in preparation for this end." and his mana for the heartbeat backed this vision of things to come.

2003-09-26, 20:00-22:22
/MageMoonShadow (EEAAWWFF) and /MagePallando (EEEEEAAA) started a Meeting.  /MageHologram (FFFFFFWA) arrived shortly after its commencement, and it was concluded by all present that /TheHierarchy certainly allows other Mages to join a Meeting even after it has started.  And the three discussed many things, and the Hazards of at least two Worlds. 

Under Secundus it was proposed that rule 51 be amended from its current wording:
No more than 1 Action of each Power may be initiated at any given Meeting.
to instead read:
No more than 1 Action of each distinct type of each Power may be taken at any given Meeting, with the exception of rulings and arbitrations under Primus; while these are Actions, any number may be taken in any Meeting.
/MagePallando, as Master of Tertius, enacted a raise of the strength of Earth at the expense of Water.
And two further additions were made to /TheProphecies/MageMoonShadow Prophesied with all of his HeartBeatMana?:
A Meeting will occur where the Mages agree no Actions shall be taken. And then the Epoch shall End.
And /MageHologram invested all of his HeartBeatMana? in proclaiming:
Behold, it shall come to pass that every Mage of the World shall meet at one Meeting, before the End of the Epoch.

Heartbeat28thSep - 29thSep

Elemental Strength changes


Votes on Proposals

Secundus (Air): /MageMoonShadow proposed that rule 51 be amended from its current wording:
No more than 1 Action of each Power may be initiated at any given Meeting.
to instead read:
No more than 1 Action of each distinct type of each Power may be taken at any given Meeting, with the exception of rulings and arbitrations under Primus; while these are Actions, any number may be taken in any Meeting.

For: /MagePallando 3A
Against: none
Abstentions: none
Proposal Passed


No Meetings of the Mages are recorded from this /HeartBeat.

Heartbeat30thSep - 1stOct

Elemental Strength changes

2003-10-01 00:20, enacted by /MageHologram and /MagePallando
2003-10-01 23:30, enacted by /MageInquisitor and /MageSenji
    Total: W=, F+1, E-1, A=

Votes on Proposals

No Proposals were present for Mages to vote on this Heartbeat.


2003-10-01 00:20 /MageHologram (FFFFFFWA) met with /MagePallando (EEEEEAAA), after determining the History of one World (in Pallando's favour), to discuss the Future History of another.
(Primus - Fire): 44-8 : /MageHologram decreed under Primus that rule 44 be lowered 8 places, with intent to combine it with the Secundus rule being proposed below.
(Secundus - Air): + : /MagePallando agreed with /MageHologram the new creation of a new rule as follows:
The required amount more pawns present at a Meeting of an element X being raised compared with an element Y being lowered must be larger than the elemental strength of X subtracted from that of Y. [So if Mages at a Meeting wish to raise Earth (9) at the expense of Air (12), there must be 3 more pawns of Earth present.  If they wish to raise Air at the expense of Earth, up to 3 fewer pawns of Air may be present than of Earth.]
This is in relation to current rule 44, which specifies "more pawns of X than Y present at the Meeting".  The effect will be to make it easier to raise elements which are already high, and easier to lower elements which are already low - being a counterbalance to the current trend towards all elemental strengths clustering around 10.  Note that once both rules are in the bottom quarter, a combination of the two into one rule is planned, which will also resolve the current contradiction between this proposed rule and rule 44 in the case where a high element is desired to be raised at the expense of a low one, in favour of this new rule.
(Tertius - Earth): F+W- : /MagePallando agreed with /MageHologram that he would enact a raising of the power of Fire at the expense of Water.
(Quartus - Water): - : The Mages decided the distribution of pawns between them was most pleasing in its current state.

2003-10-01 23:30 /MageInquisitor (AFFWWWWW) /MageSenji (AAEWWWWW)
(Primus - Fire): The Mages agreed that /TheHierarchy was in a reasonable state
(Secundus - Air): The Mages agreed that /TheHierarchy was in a reasonable state
(Tertius - Earth): The Mages agreed to raise the power of Water at the expense of Earth
(Quartus - Element): The Mages agreed that the distribution of pawns between them was most pleasing in its current state.
During their discussion /MageSenji entered a trance, and prophesied the following:
"Notwithstanding the natural order of things, it shall come to pass that a fifth element shall be discovered within the World."
Doing so used up his entire quotient of /HeartBeatMana? - 72 pawns.

Heartbeat2ndOct - 4thOct

Elemental Strength changes

2003-10-02 22:15 /MageSenji /MageInquisitor
Total: W+1, F=, E-1, A=

Votes on Proposals

/MageHologram proposed under Primus (Fire) the lowering of rule 44 by 8 places, with intent to combine it with the Secundus rule being proposed below.

For: /MageHologram 6F, /MagePallando 0F
Against: none
Abstentions: none
Proposal Passed

/MagePallando proposed under Secundus (Air) the creation of a new rule as follows:
The required amount more pawns present at a Meeting of an element X being raised compared with an element Y being lowered must be larger than the elemental strength of X subtracted from that of Y. [So if Mages at a Meeting wish to raise Earth (9) at the expense of Air (12), there must be 3 more pawns of Earth present.  If they wish to raise Air at the expense of Earth, up to 3 fewer pawns of Air may be present than of Earth.]
This is in relation to current rule 44, which specifies "more pawns of X than Y present at the Meeting".  The effect will be to make it easier to raise elements which are already high, and easier to lower elements which are already low - being a counterbalance to the current trend towards all elemental strengths clustering around 10.  Note that once both rules are in the bottom quarter, a combination of the two into one rule is planned, which will also resolve the current contradiction between this proposed rule and rule 44 in the case where a high element is desired to be raised at the expense of a low one, in favour of this new rule.

For: /MageHologram 1A, /MagePallando 3A
Against: none
Abstentions: none
Proposal Passed


2003-10-02 22:15 /MageSenji (AAEWWWWW) /MageInquisitor (AFFWWWWW)
(Tertius - Earth): /MageSenji used his Mastery of Earth to lower the power of Earth in favour of Water
Comments: /MageSenji also strengthened his prophecy of the previous heartbeat using all of the Mana available to him

Heartbeat5thOct - 6thOct

Elemental Strength changes

W+A- (/MageSenji and /MageInquisitor)

Votes on Proposals



2003-10-06 22:40 /MageSenji (AAEWWWWW) /MageInquisitor (AFFWWWWW)
(Tertius - Water): The mages used their shared mastery of Water to lower the power of Air in favour of Water

Heartbeat7thOct - 8thOct

Elemental Strength changes

W+A- (/MageSenji and /MageInquisitor)

Votes on Proposals



On Wednesday 8th October, /MagePallando and /MageHologram did Meet, and proposed under Primus that rule 45 be lowered 8 places, with the aim to modify it by more than 20%.

2003-10-08 23:00 /MageSenji (AAEWWWWW)) /MageInquisitor (AFFWWWWW)
(Secundus - Air): Senji, as master of Air, proposed the following rule:
"A player who controls one or more pawn of Water is considered to control a additional number of pawns of each element equal to three times the number of pawns of water that they control, for the purpose of voting on proposals, and determining Mastery"
(Tertius - Water): W+A- : Water was increased, at the expense of Air. By joint Mastery.
Comments: There was a conspiratorial air to this meeting, which ended at 23:58

Heartbeat9thOct - 10thOct

Elemental Strength changes


Votes on Proposals

Under Primus (Fire), /MageHologram proposed that Rule 45 be lowered 8 places
In order to allow modification by more than 20%
For: /MageHologram 6F, /MagePallando 0F, /MageInquisitor 2F
Against: none
Abstentions: none
Proposal Passed

Under Secundus (Water), /MageSenji proposed that the following rule be introduced:
"A player who controls one or more pawn of Water is considered to control a additional number of pawns of each element equal to three times the number of pawns of Water that they control, for the purpose of voting on proposals, and determining Mastery"
For: /MageInquisitor 5W, /MageSenji 5W
Against: /MagePallando 0W, /MageHologram 1W, /MageMoonShadow 2W
Abstentions: none
Proposal Passed (eek)



Heartbeat11thOct onwards

No recorded Meetings, Actions or Votes of /TheMages occurred until Saturday 18th October.

Heartbeat18thOct - 21stOct

Elemental Strength changes



2003-10-18 11:45 At /MagePallando's barbecue, he met with /MageInquisitor, /MageMoonShadow, /MageHologram and /MageKitiara/MageKazuhiko and /MageSenji participated remotely, making this the first Meeting of all Mages.
(Primus - Fire): No Action of Primus was taken.
(Secundus - Water): /MageInquisitor proposed this new rule:
There shall be a 48 hour break between Epochs. During the first 24 hours of this gap, Mages may propose arbitrary changes to /TheHierarchy.  During the second 24 hours, Mages may cast a veto against any of these proposed changes. Any changes which are not vetoed by more than one Mage will be made to the Hierarchy for the start of the new Epoch.
[It is suggested that these changes be agreed by a Meeting rather than individual mages acting. The idea is that such changes are for the good of the World rather than of any individual mage.]
(Tertius - Air): W+E- : /MageInquisitor furthered the cause of Water. He flipped coins to determine the element to be lowered, ending up at Earth.
In addition, /MageSenji further added HeartBeatMana? to his Prophecy.
/MagePallando prophesied that the round would be a further 2 heartbeats without the epoch ending and invested his heartbeat mana in this prophecy.
Comments: Much mead and food was consumed.

Heartbeat21stOct - 23rdOct

Elemental Strength changes

E+A-:2003-10-21 14:47 /MageKitiara
E+A-:2003-10-21 14:54 /MageKitiara
E+W-:2003-10-22 09:35 /MageKitiara
A+F-:2003-10-22 22:45 /MageKitiara
A+W-:2003-10-22 22:55 /MageKitiara
A+W-:2003-10-22 23:05 /MageKitiara

Total: W=-3, F=-1, E+3, A=+1

Votes on Proposals



2003-10-21 14:30 /MageKitiara (AAAAAFEW)) /MageHologram (FFFFFFWA)
(Primus - Fire): Rule 53 be lowered 8 places : (The game has a heartbeat period of 48 hours.)
(Secundus - Water): Rule 64 be deleted : ([The Great Flood] A player who controls one or more pawn of Water is considered to control a additional number of pawns of each element equal to three times the number of pawns of Water that they control, for the purpose of voting on proposals, and determining Mastery.)
(Tertius - Air): E+1, A-1
(Quartus - Earth): /MageKitiara exchanged her Fire pawn for /MageHologram's Water pawn

2003-10-21 14:52 /MageKitiara (AAAAAEWW)) /MagePallando (EEEEEAAA)
(Tertius - Air): E+1, A-1

2003-10-22 09:15 /MageKitiara (AAAAAEWW)) /MageKazuhiko (EEEEEFFF)
(Tertius - Air): E+1, W-1
(Quartus - Earth): /MageKitiara exchanged one of her air pawns for one of /MageKazuhiko's Earth pawns

2003-10-22 19:20 /MageKitiara (AAAAEEWW)) /MagePallando (EEEEEAAA)
(Quartus - Earth): /MageKitiara exchanged one of her air pawns for one of /MagePallando's Earth pawns

2003-10-22 22:45 /MageKitiara (AAAEEEWW)) /MageMoonShadow (FFWWEEAA)
(Tertius - Air): A+1 F-1
(Quartus - Earth): /MageKitiara exchanged one of her Air pawns for one of /MageMoonShadow's Water pawns

2003-10-22 22:55 /MageKitiara (AAEEEWWW)) /MagePallando (EEEEAAAA)
(Primus ruling): /MagePallando was concerned whether the rule " No particular 2 Mages may be at 2 successive Meetings in the same heartbeat." should stop him meeting /MageKitiara, as he has met noone else since last meeting her, however as Master of Primus she over-ruled these concerns with magisterial authority.
(Tertius - Air): A+1 W-1

2003-10-22 23:05 /MageKitiara (AAEEEWWW)) /MageMoonShadow (FFWWEEAA)
(Tertius - Air): A+1 W-1
(Quartus - Earth): /MageKitiara exchanged one of her Air pawns for one of /MageMoonShadow's Water pawns

Heartbeat24thOct - 25thOct

Elemental Strength changes

/MageKitiara raised Water at the expense of Fire.

Votes on Proposals

Secundus (Air): It was proposed at the Meeting of All Mages that the following rule be added:
There shall be a 48 hour break between Epochs during which period no heartbeat shall be counted, though Hierarchy rules 1-6 should still apply. During the first 24 hours of this gap, Mages may propose arbitrary changes to /TheHierarchy.  During the second 24 hours, Mages may cast a veto against any of these proposed changes. Any changes which are not vetoed by more than one Mage will be made to the Hierarchy for the start of the new Epoch. [It is suggested that these changes be agreed by a Meeting rather than individual mages acting. The idea is that such changes are for the good of the World rather than of any individual mage, and hence unanimously agreeable.]

For: /MageHologram (1A), /MagePallando (4A), /MageMoonShadow (4A), /MageSenji (2A+5W), /MageInquisitor
Against: (none)
Abstentions: (none)
Proposal Passed

2003-10-21 14:47 Secundus (Air): /MageKitiara and /MageHologram proposed that Rule 64 (The Great Flood) be deleted

For: /MageHologram (1A), /MagePallando (4A), /MageMoonShadow (4A)
Against: (none)
Abstentions: /MageInquisitor (Point proven, I think. No need to keep it around...); /MageSenji (Ack)
Proposal Passed

2003-10-21 14:47 Primus (Fire): /MageHologram proposed that Rule 53 ( The game has a heartbeat period of 48 hours.) be lowered 8 places

For: /MageHologram (7F), /MagePallando (0F)
Abstentions: /MageSenji (5W)
Proposal Passed


On 2003-10-25, /MageKazuhiko visited Cambridge for what might be the last time.  Lots of coffee and chocolate was consumed, lots of Go was played, and the imminent End of the Epoch was discussed.  /MageKitiara enacted a Tertius raise of the power of Water at the expense of Fire, bringing all elements back to Balance.  And much discussion occurred of potential changes to /TheHierarchy over the mid-epoch gap - the following were proposed:
See the /DiscussionForum for discussion of these.

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