| ToothyWiki | RecentChanges | Login | Webcomic <rant>'Evangelical' is *not* a synonym for 'evangelistic'. Evangelical is a doctrinal position concerning the AuthorityOfScripture. Evangelism is Christian proselytising. While there is a certain correlation between the groups involved they are by no means identical.</rant> Sorry, it's just that I keep seeing these terms confused, I even saw an article on the BBC News website that had them wrong. - NeilRoques
What you say is accurate and worth remembering; however it's also, frankly, confusing to those who don't talk about these subjects too often. One of my closest Christian friends frequently gets these two terms confused. If possible I try not to use either word in conversations involving non-Christians, purely for comprehensibility. Ththere isn't really a decent synonym for "evangelical", but sometimes it's possible to paraphrase. --AlexChurchill
Perhaps someone could set out the position in question here?