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Imagine you were a dragon. How would you want things to be arranged in your house? That plant needs moving; your tail would get caught in it when you go around this corner. And so on.

That is, by far and away, the best OzyAndMillie style explanation of FengShui I have ever heard.  I love it.  Sadly, it doesn't quite encompass the full GeoMancy? aspects but they fill in by extension.  (Your neighbour is a fish!  Arrange your washing line so as to catch him in a net, or avoid doing so, depending upon how much you like fish.)  --Vitenka

Really just a form of oriental interior/exterior design, with lots of mystical explanation attached to it. -ColinLeung

see Zen.

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Last edited August 5, 2003 9:30 am (viewing revision 9, which is the newest) (diff)