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Warning: The title of this page is misleading: I'm using it to talk about Yu-Gi-Oh tcg as well.

A list of the rare/old cards I have and would be willing to trade.  If you want uncommons, ask me.

MTG: Aethermage's Touch
MTG: Anthem of Rakdos (x2)
MTG: Autochthon Wurm
MTG: Biomantic Mastery (x2)
MTG: Burning-Tree Shaman (x3)
MTG: Crebral Vortex
MTG: Chorus of the Conclave
MTG: Circu, Dimir Lobotomist
MTG: Culling Sun (x3)
MTG: Dimir Doppelganger
MTG: Dread Slag
MTG: Fervent Charge
MTG: Gabriel Angelfire
MTG: Giant Soilfuge
MTG: Glare of Subdual (x2)
MTG: Grave-Shell Scarab
MTG: Hanna, Ship's Navigator (x2)
MTG: Iname as One
MTG: Isperia the Inscrutable
MTG: Killer Instinct
MTG: Loxodon Hierach
MTG: Powerstone Minefield
MTG: Rakdos the Defiler
MTG: Rumbling Slum
MTG: Shadow of Doubt
MTG: Teysa, Orzhov Scion
MTG: Tibor and Lumia (x2)
MTG: Vaevictis Asmadi
MTG: Witch-Maw Nephilim
MTG: Ach! Hans, Run!
MTG: Ass Whuppin' (x2, 1H)
MTG: Rare-B-Gone
MTG: Who/What/When/Where/Why

MTG: Altar of Shadows
MTG: Arcbound Overseer
MTG: Ashes of the Fallen
MTG: Baku Altar (x2)
MTG: Blood Clock
MTG: Bloodletter Quill
MTG: Bosh, Iron Golem
MTG: Bottle of Suleiman
MTG: Bottled Cloister (x2)
MTG: Celestial Sword
MTG: Chalice of the Void (x2)
MTG: Cloudstone Curio
MTG: Crown of Convergence
MTG: Damping Matrix
MTG: Darksteel Forge (x2)
MTG: Dragon Engine (x2)
MTG: Gilded Lotus (x2)
MTG: Grid Monitor (x2)
MTG: Hair-Strung Koto (x2)
MTG: Heartseeker
MTG: Helm of Kaldra (Promo)
MTG: Imi Statue
MTG: Jayemdae Tome
MTG: Journeyer's Kite (x3)
MTG: Junkyo Bell (x4)
MTG: Leonin Sun Standard
MTG: Leveler
MTG: Lodestone Myr
MTG: Long-Forgotten Gohei (x3)
MTG: Mirror Gallery
MTG: Mizzium Transreliquat
MTG: Moonring Mirror (x2)
MTG: Moratorium Stone
MTG: Muse Vessel (x3, 1xH)
MTG: Mycosynth Golem (x2)
MTG: Mycosynth Lattice (x2)
MTG: Neko-Te (x3)
MTG: Nullstone Gargoyle
MTG: Orb of Dreams
MTG: Orochi hatchery (x2)
MTG: Parallax Inhibitor
MTG: Phyrexian Portal
MTG: Pithing Needle
MTG: Platinum Angel
MTG: Powder Keg
MTG: Rakdos Riteknife (x2)
MTG: Scroll of Origins (x2)
MTG: Sculpting Steel
MTG: Shell of the Last Kappa
MTG: Shield of Kaldra (Promo)
MTG: Slumbering Tora
MTG: Solarion (x2)
MTG: Soul Foundary (x2)
MTG: Spellweaver Helix
MTG: Summoner's Egg
MTG: Suncrusher
MTG: Sunforger (x3)
MTG: Sword of Kaldra (Promo)
MTG: Sword of Light and Shadow
MTG: Sword of the Paruns
MTG: That Which Was Taken
MTG: Thran Golem (x2)
MTG: Thran Weaponry
MTG: Tower of Fortunes
MTG: Uba Mask (x3)
MTG: Vedalken Orrery (x4)
MTG: Wand of the Elements
MTG: Well of Lost Dreams (x2, 1H)
MTG: Jack-in-the-Mox
MTG: Jester's Sombrero (x2)
MTG: Time Machine

MTG: Beacon of Destruction (x2)
MTG: Blazing Shoal
MTG: Breath of Fury (x3)
MTG: Cosmic Larva
MTG: Excruciator (x2)
MTG: Fiery Gambit
MTG: Final Fortune
MTG: Flame Fusillade
MTG: Form of the Dragon
MTG: Fumiko the Lowblood
MTG: Furnace Dragon
MTG: Goblin Warrens
MTG: Heartless Hidetsugu
MTG: Hidetsugu's Second Rite (x2)
MTG: Hunted Dragon
MTG: Impatience
MTG: In the Web of War (x2)
MTG: Jiwari, the Earth Aflame (x2)
MTG: Kumano, Master Yamabushi (x4)
MTG: Leyline of Lightning
MTG: Magnivore
MTG: Mass Hysteria
MTG: Molten Sentry
MTG: Myojin of Infinite Rage (x3)
MTG: Patron of the Akki
MTG: Pulse of the Forge (x2)
MTG: Rakdos Pit Dragon
MTG: Rally the Horde
MTG: Reckless Embermage (x4)
MTG: Ryusei, the Falling Star
MTG: Shimatsu the Bloodcloaked (x2)
MTG: Siege of Towers (x2)
MTG: Slobad, Goblin Tinkerer
MTG: Tide of War (x2)
MTG: Trash for Treasure
MTG: Twist Allegieance (x2)
MTG: War Elemental
MTG: War's Toll
MTG: Wildfire
MTG: Zo-Zu the Punisher
MTG: Assquatch
MTG: Blast from the Past
MTG: Curse of the Fire Penguin
MTG: Jalum Grifter
MTG: Spark Fiend
MTG: Strategy, Schmategy

MTG: Ageless Entity (x3)
MTG: Ancient Silverback
MTG: Azusa, Lost but Seeking (x3)
MTG: Bioplasm
MTG: Bounteous Kirin (x2)
MTG: Chord of Calling
MTG: Early Harvest
MTG: Elemental Resonance
MTG: Elvish Champion (H)
MTG: Emperor Crocodile
MTG: Enshrined Memories (x2)
MTG: Fangren Firstborn
MTG: Glissa Sunseeker
MTG: Golgari Grave-Troll (x2)
MTG: Hidden Stag
MTG: Hunted Troll (x2)
MTG: Iname, Life Aspect
MTG: Isao, Enlightened Bushi
MTG: Iwamori of the Open Fist (x2)
MTG: Joiner Adept
MTG: Jugan, the Rising Star
MTG: Kodama of the North Tree (x2)
MTG: Kodama of the South Tree
MTG: Lifegift (x2)
MTG: Llanowar Behemoth
MTG: Masumaro, First to Live (x2)
MTG: Nourishing Shoal
MTG: Patron of the Orochi (x2)
MTG: Plated Slagwurm (x2)
MTG: Primordial Sage
MTG: Rite of Passage (x3)
MTG: Roaring Slagwurm
MTG: Saproling Cluster
MTG: Sasaya, Orochi Ascendant
MTG: Scion of the Wild
MTG: Seed the Land
MTG: Sekki, Seasons' Guide (x2)
MTG: Seshiro the Annointed (x2)
MTG: Shisato, Whispering Hunter
MTG: Upwelling
MTG: Waiting in the Weeds
MTG: Incoming!
MTG: Mine, Mine, Mine! (x2)
MTG: Old Fogey (x2)
MTG: Uktabi Kong

MTG: Ancestral Tribute
MTG: Aurification
MTG: Auriok Steelshaper
MTG: Avatar of Hope
MTG: Blazing Archon (x2)
MTG: Bringer of the White Dawn
MTG: Celestial Ancient
MTG: Concerted Effort (x2)
MTG: Day of Destiny
MTG: Eight-and-a-Half Tails (x2)
MTG: Gerrard Capashen
MTG: Ghosts of the Innocent (x2)
MTG: Ghostway
MTG: Graven Dominator
MTG: Hanna's Custody (x2)
MTG: Hokori, Dust Drinker (H)
MTG: Hold the Line
MTG: Hour of Reckoning (x2)
MTG: Kentaro, the Smiling Cat (x2)
MTG: Kitsune Mystic
MTG: Kiyomaro, First to Stand (x2, 1 Promo)
MTG: Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero
MTG: Loxodon Peacekeeper
MTG: Loxodon Punisher
MTG: Luminous Angel
MTG: Masako the Humorless (x2)
MTG: Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker
MTG: Myojin of Cleansing Fire
MTG: Oyobi, Who Split the Heavens
MTG: Pearl Dragon
MTG: Proclamation of Rebirth
MTG: Proper Burial
MTG: Pure Intentions
MTG: Retaliate
MTG: Reverse the Sands (x3, 1 H)
MTG: Roar of Reclamation
MTG: Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant (x2)
MTG: Selfless Exorcist
MTG: Soulscour
MTG: Steelshaper Apprentice
MTG: Takeno, Samurai General (x2, 1xH)
MTG: Test of Endurance
MTG: Three Dreams
MTG: Vassal's Duty
MTG: Yomiji, Who Bars the Way
MTG: Yosei, the Morning Star
MTG: Drawn Together
MTG: I'm Rubber, You're Glue
MTG: Look at Me, I'm R & D (x2)
MTG: Staying Power

MTG: Azami, Lady of Scrolls
MTG: Beacon of Tomorrows
MTG: Broodstar (x2)
MTG: Cerulean Sphinx
MTG: Cetavolver
MTG: Chromescale Drake
MTG: Copy Enchantment (x3)
MTG: Disrupting Shoal (x3, 1xH)
MTG: Erayo, Soratami Ascendant
MTG: Followed Footsteps
MTG: Govern the Guildless
MTG: Hatching Plans
MTG: Higure, the Still Wind (x2)
MTG: Hisoka, Minamo Sensei (x2)
MTG: Hunted Phantasm (x2)
MTG: Ice Cave (x2)
MTG: Kaho, Minamo Historian (x2)
MTG: Kami of the Crescent Moon (x2)
MTG: Keiga, the Tide Star
MTG: Kira, Great Glass-Spinner
MTG: Meloku, the Clouded Mirror
MTG: Opposition
MTG: Part the Veil
MTG: Patron of the Moon (x2)
MTG: Pulse of the Grid
MTG: Quicken
MTG: Quicksilver Elemental
MTG: Recall
MTG: Reduce to Dreams (x2)
MTG: Reshape
MTG: Reweave (x2, 1xH)
MTG: Sakashima the Imposter
MTG: Spawnbroker
MTG: Swirl the Mists (x2)
MTG: Temporal Adept
MTG: Temporal Cascade (X2)
MTG: The Unspeakable (x2, 1xH)
MTG: Threads of Disloyalty
MTG: Tomorrow, Azami's Familiar (x3)
MTG: Uyo, Silent Prophet
MTG: Vedalken Archmage
MTG: Vizzerdrix (x2)
MTG: Greater Morphling
MTG: Johnny, Combo Player
MTG: Now I Know My ABC's
MTG: Topsy Turvy

MTG: Abyssal Hunter
MTG: Abyssal Nocturnus
MTG: Death Cloud
MTG: Desecration Elemental
MTG: Dross Harvester
MTG: Empty the Catacombs (x2)
MTG: Forbidden Crypt
MTG: Goryo's Vengeance (x3)
MTG: Hunted Horror
MTG: Infernal Tutor
MTG: Iname, Death Aspect
MTG: Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni (x3, 1 Promo)
MTG: Insidious Dreams (x2)
MTG: Kagemaro, First to Suffer
MTG: Kiku, Night's Flower
MTG: Kuon, Ogre Ascendant
MTG: Kyoki, Sanity's Eclipse
MTG: Leyline of the Void
MTG: Mephitic Ooze (x2)
MTG: Moonlight Bargain (x2)
MTG: Moriok Rigger
MTG: Myojin of Night's Reach
MTG: Neverending Torment
MTG: Nihilistic Glee
MTG: Pain's Reward
MTG: Phyrexian Arena
MTG: Shriveling Rot
MTG: Sickening Shoal
MTG: Spoils of the Vault
MTG: Toshiro Umezawa
MTG: Zzzyxas's Abyss

MTG: Boseiju, Who Shelters All
MTG: Caves of Koilos (H)
MTG: Eiganjo Castle (x2)
MTG: Forbidden Orchard
MTG: Hall of the Bandit Lord (x2)
MTG: Kor Haven
MTG: Untaidake, the Cloud Keeper
MTG: City of Ass

Time Spiral: not quite correct, but close enought to give an idea:

MTG: Evangelize x3
MTG: Magus of the Disk
MTG: Mangara of Corondor
MTG: Opal Guardian
MTG: Pulmonic Sliver
MTG: Restore Balance
MTG: Serra Avenger
MTG: Tivadar of Thorn x3
MTG: Weathered Bodyguards x2 (1 foil)
MTG: Deep-Sea Kraken
MTG: Ixidron
MTG: Magus of the Jar
MTG: Moonlace x2
MTG: Psionic Sliver
MTG: Sprite Noble
MTG: Trickbind
MTG: Walk the Aeons
MTG: Demonic Collusion x2
MTG: Liege of the Pit
MTG: Lim-Dul the Necromancer
MTG: Living End x2
MTG: Magus of the Mirror
MTG: Nether Traitor
MTG: Plague Sliver
MTG: Stronghold Overseer
MTG: Sudden Spoiling (foil)
MTG: Fortune Thief
MTG: Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician
MTG: Magus of the Scroll
MTG: Norin the Wary x3
MTG: Reiterate
MTG: Sedge Sliver
MTG: Word of Seizing
MTG: Fungus Sliver
MTG: Hypergenesis
MTG: Magus of the Candelabra
MTG: Squall Line x3
MTG: Stonewood Invocation
MTG: Thelon of Havenwood x7 (1 foil)
MTG: Thelonite Hermit x2
MTG: Unyaro Bees
MTG: Ith, High Arcanist
MTG: Kaerver the Merciless x2
MTG: Mishra, Artificer Prodigy
MTG: Saffi Eriksdotter x3
MTG: Scion of the Ur-Dragon x2
MTG: Hivestone
MTG: Sarpadian Empires, Vol. VII
MTG: Triskelavus
MTG: Flagstones of Trokair x2
MTG: Gemstone Caverns
MTG: Swarmyard x2

MTG: Akroma, Angel of Wrath (Torment)
MTG: Consecrate Land x2
MTG: Disenchant (Sixth)
MTG: Icatian Javelineers x2
MTG: Moorish Cavalry
MTG: Sacred Mesa
MTG: Zhalfirin Commander
MTG: Ghost Ship
MTG: Giant Oyster x2
MTG: Leviathan x2
MTG: Lord of Atlantis
MTG: Merfolk Assassin
MTG: Mistform Ultimus
MTG: Pirate Ship
MTG: Prodigal Sorcerer
MTG: Voidmage Prodigy
MTG: Whispers of the Muse x2
MTG: Willbender
MTG: Avatar of Woe
MTG: Bad Moon
MTG: Conspiracy
MTG: Evil Eye of Orms-by-Gore
MTG: Faceless Butcher
MTG: Funeral Charm
MTG: Shadow Guildmage x2 (1 foil)
MTG: Soul Collector x2
MTG: Swamp Mosquito (foil)
MTG: Undead Warchief x2
MTG: Undertaker
MTG: Withered Wretch
MTG: Disintegrate x2
MTG: Fiery Temper
MTG: Fire Whip
MTG: Goblin Snowman x3
MTG: Kobold Taskmaster
MTG: Tribal Flames x2
MTG: Wildfire Emissary
MTG: Avoid Fate
MTG: Call of the Herd
MTG: Cockatrice
MTG: Gaea's Blessing
MTG: Gaea's Liege
MTG: Jolrael, Empress of Beasts
MTG: Krosan Cloudscraper
MTG: Spike Feeder x2
MTG: Thallid x2
MTG: Thornscape Battlemage
MTG: Verdeloth the Ancient x2
MTG: Whirling Dervish
MTG: Coalition Victory x2 (1 Invasion)
MTG: Mystic Snake
MTG: Sol'kanar the Swamp King
MTG: Spined Sliver x3
MTG: Void
MTG: Assault/Battery x2
MTG: Claws of Gix x3
MTG: Grinning Totem
MTG: Mindless Automaton
MTG: Mirari x2 (both Odessy)
MTG: The Rack x2
MTG: Serrated Arrows x2
MTG: War Barge
MTG: Desert
MTG: Gemstone Mine x2 (1 foil)
MTG: Pendelhaven x2
MTG: Safe Haven


I feel I must report my best moment in playing magic to date.  It happened at FNM, 29/9/06
I swing with my MTG: Phytohydra, equipped with MTG: Loxodon Warhammer.  It's still a 1/1.  (Or 4/1, whatever.)
He blocks with MTG: Will-o'-the-Wisp.
Before applying damage, I cast MTG: Righteousness on the Whisp.
He cries.  I go on to win the game.

Try this one:

4x MTG: Cloudpost
4x MTG: Urza's Mine
4x MTG: Urza's Power Station
4x MTG: Urza's Tower
4x MTG: Shivan Reef
4x MTG: Steam Vents
2x MTG: Island

4x MTG: Ornithopter
4x MTG: Phyrexian Walker

2x MTG: Djinn Illuminatus
4x MTG: Niv-Mizzet

4x MTG: Cancel
4x MTG: Electrolyze
4x MTG: Blaze
4x MTG: Invoke the Firemind

4x MTG: Izzet Signet

By the way, anyone want a foil MTG: Mad Auntie?

I'd like some advice on this deck, please.

11x MTG: Forest
5x MTG: Island
3x MTG: Breeding Pool
1x MTG: Novijen, Heart of Progress
2x MTG: Simic Growth Chamber
1x MTG: Vivid Creek
1x MTG: Vivid Grove
2x MTG: Yavimaya Coast

4x MTG: Simic Initiative
2x MTG: Coiling Oracle
2x MTG: Plaxmanta
2x MTG: Simic Guildmage
2x MTG: Vigean Hydropon
4x MTG: Cytoplast Root-Kin
2x MTG: Patagia Viper
2x MTG: Helium Squirter
2x MTG: Experiment Kraj
2x MTG: Shielding Plax
4x MTG: Doubling Season
2x MTG: Leafdrake Roost
2x MTG: Evolution Vat

You might notice that this is only 58 cards.  I really want the remaining two cards to be nig-hitters, and I'm trying to decide what to include out of 2x MTG: Sekki, Seasons' Guide, 1x MTG: Vigor and 1x MTG: Simic Sky Swallower.  Alternatively, feel free to suggest anything else, since I have various other simic-y cards, including a couple of MTG: Cytoplast Manipulator and I think a MTG: Momir Vig, Simic Visionary, as well as some MTG: Biomantic Mastery and MTG: Cytoshape.

Any ideas?
I'm not really convinced by the Kraj here, since there aren't many abilities to copy. Although I suppose the ability to add more counters to things is nice. --Edwin
What do you think of replacing the Krajes with Manipulators, and possibly adjusting the land somewhat?

I've been trying to make an Enduring Ideal deck.
7x MTG: Island
11x MTG: Plains
4x MTG: Adarkar Wastes
4x MTG: Hallowed Fountain

4x MTG: Zealous Guardian
4x MTG: Pride of the Clouds
4x MTG: Telling Time
1x MTG: Words of War
1x MTG: Words of Wilding
3x MTG: Knollspine Invocation
2x MTG: Night of Soul's Betrayal
3x MTG: Opalescence
3x MTG: Doubling Season
3x MTG: Followed Footsteps
2x MTG: Dovescape
4x MTG: Enduring Ideal
I don't see the point of Zealous Guardian, unless you have a metagame with lots of X/1 attackers.  Also, I'd be more inclined to have a bunch of wacky one-of enchantments than a small number of three-of ones. --Edwin


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Last edited July 28, 2008 11:54 am (viewing revision 380, which is the newest) (diff)