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Not much bigger than LittleSaintMarys.  However, it is more centrally positioned, and has earned the title somehow of being the University Church.  (Where University, as always, could refer to nothing but the UniversityOfCambridge.)

AR - I think it's quite a bit bigger than LittleSaintMarys actually.

Its services are tourist-friendly.  It has a number of regular congregants as well.  They have sermon transcripts available for 30p or something like that, some of which are quite good, notwithstanding that its teaching is broadly liberal.

AR - Pah.  What do you mean by broadly liberal?  How many services have you been to?  Do you just mean "not-evangelical"?
''AlexChurchill - Oh, I'm quite sketchy on the details.  I thought I had it on good repute that they demonstrated some doctrinal points of view I'd consider liberal (BICBW).  I can't remember the precise ones, but things like Universalism, or throwing out bits of the Bible, or not being sure if the HolySpirit is a person.  Something like that, although not necessarily those specific ones.  Sorry I can't remember in more detail :(
What do you mean by 'the HolySpirit is a person'? -- Senji

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Last edited April 1, 2003 1:34 pm (viewing revision 5, which is the newest) (diff)