
18-97-14-90.crawl.commoncrawl.org | ToothyWiki | RecentChanges | Login

The kind of laugh attempted when not pretending to be polite. --AR

Also a vaguely ornamental ditch intended to keep roaming animals, plebs etc. off the lawn. --Requiem
Which, I think, differs from a HoHo only in that it does not have a wall at the bottom and you cannot eat it.
A HoHo is like a HaHa only deeper --K (channeling TerryPratchett)

Continuation of the phrase:  They're coming to take me away

Also Bar Ha! Ha!, a CategoryEatingPlace that, in MoonShadow's opinion is to be avoided like the plague.
Now gone, and replaced by a Strada.


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Last edited September 29, 2006 2:46 pm (viewing revision 7, which is the newest) (diff)