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[Official website] [Map]

A village just on the Welsh side of the Welsh / English border that contains 30+ bookshops, mostly selling second-hand books.

MoonShadow recommends staying the night there so one can spend an entire day browsing. One can't really do the place justice in much less than a whole day.
...even a whole day -- Senji

Anyone who fancies going on a camping trip sometime towards the end of summer, sign up below. The idea is that we come up on Friday night, spend Saturday bookbrowsing and come back on Sunday morning.

That sounds fun! (I don't have a tent, and I'm already booked up for a few weekends, and have no transport... but I'd love to come all the same) - Naath who would like to add that Herefordshire is full of nice places to buy cider...

Sounds interesting, but transport may be a problem - macloud who has got a tent [neh]

CategoryBooks CategoryPlace

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Last edited December 22, 2006 12:08 am (viewing revision 8, which is the newest) (diff)