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Kazuhiko's bizarre object generator... (which was then hi-jacked by MoonShadow and AlexChurchill ^^;;)

BNF: Kazuhiko/Generator









 bnf ::= method optionalemphasis descriptor object of particledpurpose optionalstat

 optionalstat ::= stat | nothing | nothing | nothing 
optionalemphasis ::= emphasis | nothing
emphasis ::= emphasis dash emphasisword | emphasisword | emphasisword

 object ::= WikiPage | Frying Pan | Bookcase | Computer | Chair | Shrubbery | Webserver | Kitten | Fanfic
descriptor ::= Glowing | Jet Black | Shiny | Confusing | Imaginary | Plaid | Bouncy | Polka-dotted | Tartan | Gelatinous | Chocolatey
emphasisword ::= Super | Mega | Ultra | Extra | Hyper | Ultimate

 particledpurpose ::= the definitepurpose | optionalemphasis purpose 
definitepurpose ::= Apocalypse | Queen Mother | Seven Wonders of the World | Ancients | Aztecs
purpose ::= Doom | l33tn3ss | Evil | Cuteness | Cthulhu | Happy Sparklies | Insanity | Power | Bishiness

 method ::= You have discovered the | You have been hit on the head by the | You round the corner only to discover the | You are being taunted by the | You suddenly notice behind you the | The rumours were true: it's the | You know beyond any doubt that you've found the

 dash ::= "-"
nothing ::= ""

 stat ::= ( plussmallint situation )
plussmallint ::= +1 | +2 | +3 | +4
situation ::= in combat | to sanity rolls | to intelligence | to charisma | to luck | against trolls

 option ::= debug = 0


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Last edited July 5, 2004 3:25 pm (viewing revision 18, which is the newest) (diff)