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I'll bite - what's a Kender?

*happy* *bouncy* Hi!  Ooo, look, a Fire Engine! *swipes any shiny stuff you might've had*

Kender are the halfling/mischievous thief archetype in the DragonLance? series and anything connected with the world of Krynn. I assume this is where they 'started', much as the LordOfTheRings is where hobbits 'started', but I don't actually know for sure. Every kender has incurable wanderlust and itchy fingers, coupled with an ability to tell ridiculously tall tales and wriggle out of holes very quickly. This last is probably a survival trait - kender who can't do so would die pretty fast. They have a long tail of hair and carry a staff (hoopak). This is all from the DragonLance? chronicles so if anyone knows better, please say :) - SunKitten, who was rather fond of Tasslehoff.

Fantasy one assumes..

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Last edited December 13, 2003 2:22 am (viewing revision 3, which is the newest) (diff)