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King's is the college that all the tourists notice, largely because it dominates KingsParade? and has a rather impressive /Chapel?, which was "inspired" by Notre Dame in Paris.

Cambridge lore knows it as the most left-wing of colleges; the hammer and sickle has been removed from the bar but much of the ideology remains. It was the first college to go mixed, and has the highest intake from state schools of any college (this part of the image is self-reinforcing, though - King's gets a higher proportion of state school applicants than do other colleges).
In my day it was the only college that had never been an all female college that had more than 50% of its intake female. -- Senji

Has a Tortoise.

Doesn't hold a MayBall. Anyone know why?
MayBalls are elitist. Therefore they hold an "Event" instead.
Ah. Of course.

[King's College]


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Last edited September 2, 2003 8:09 pm (viewing revision 5, which is the newest) (diff)