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MikeJeggo suspects he's been supervising too much inorganic chemistry recently - his reaction on seeing MoonShadow's last edit summary, "MoonShadow's 2p" was - in all seriousness - to think "But MoonShadow doesn't have a 2p orbital..."

SpoilerWarning. Big spoily discussion of the final episodes of the series. If you've not seen the ending and plan to, then don't read any further.


























Okay. AlexChurchill thought LastExile was a very good series with a rather weak ending. It seemed far too DeusExMachina.  For a series where most everything else has been carefully consistent, just what was going on in the final couple of episodes?

EXILE was a colonisation/terraforming ship. After settlement, it was coccooned and its defences activated. A conversation between Dio and the Guild member taking care of Sylvana's engine implies that the terraforming features must be reactivated at regular, long, intervals in order to rebalance the planet's climate; and moreover, that a reactivation is due and that the current maestro has no intention of carrying it out. The activation mechanism fits this - four pieces of knowledge held by separate people and a physical timed key (Alvis's genetical makeup) combine to reactivate the ship. EXILE has a maximal range at which it can sense Alvis - you see that in the episode where Maestro reads out three of the mysteriums (which, incidentally, also make EXILE's friend-or-foe recognition recognise Maestro's ship as friend, although it carries on attacking other guild ships). Maestro mentions that Sylvana is also an original settlement ship that dates back from the same time as EXILE. Claus and Lavi's fathers' vanship was delivering a message to Dusis ten years ago carrying an offer of truce; presumably they flew too close to EXILE and activated its defences - certainly, in the flashback at the start of episode 1, they are surprised - suggesting that they were not expecting to encounter EXILE in the Grand Stream.

She didn't do it earlier precisely because she was capricious. By the time she did order all units pulled, some of them had been taken over by fighters in battles such as the one Moran got wounded in. The Guild units that got pulled returned to Maestro's ship, and were presumably destroyed when it toppled; the remainder were left split among the three factions, leaving no single group in control of all of them. Moreover, that was only part of the objective - the other part was to activate the terraforming ship.

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Last edited November 10, 2003 1:16 pm (viewing revision 3, which is the newest) (diff)