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An 8 minute long Shoujo anime, most notable for the fact that it is obviously home-made instead of studio produced.

Cute story and pretty good quality for a home-made anime.

- Kazuhiko

An Instant which grants you ProtDementor? (applying retrospectively to effects within the current step) until EndOfTurn?. --B
Is the ProtInsertRandomBadThingHere? phrasing an MtG thing, an RPG thing or something else? --K (trying to remember where he heard that used before)
MtG --B
As a second question, does anyone happen to know a way of acquiring ProtBoss??  I could do with some right now --K
Oh dear. Try holding a cushion over your head and screaming quietly.. - SunKitten, also at work (but no boss)

CategoryAnime; SeeAlso Magic, Chocolate

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Last edited September 16, 2005 10:49 pm (viewing revision 7, which is the newest) (diff)