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Morality discussions usually divide into several topics:

It is sometimes useful to remember that morals are entirely imposed by society, politics and/or religion.
Only if you're of that point of view in the first place, of course, and don't think they come from anything external or inherent. This could make for quite an interesting discussion point itself, although it may well just come down to "my axioms are different from yours". --AC
Ah, yes, I think I thought I was writing it more neutrally than I actually was.  Hmm.  Something along the lines of "imposed by the source of society, politics and/or religion" would probably fit but that doesn't parse right. --K (brainfried.  Thought will come later)
How about phrasing it - "Ones sense of morality is entirely determined by ones social and religious environment"? Which is more neutral than "imposed", and more accurate, because "determined" doesn't imply that it's a deliberate process. -- Xarak
Is what is meant that you can't derive the laws of morality from first principles in the same way you can derive the laws of thermodynamics, for example. We know this because there are no units of good and evil. --MawKernewek
I don't know whether that's what some might mean. I just meant that in, for example, the conventional Christian position, there's not just the morality "imposed by society, politics and/or religion" (although there is that), but also the universal morality that's inherent to being human because mankind's made in the image of God. --AC
Having thought on this for a while, I think I was trying to be too generic since society and politics don't claim a 'Higher Force' (usually?).  How about: "It is sometimes useful to remember that, unless you believe that a fundamental force has set rules for humanity, morals are entirely imposed by society, politics and/or religion."  It still feels like it's missing something but that's the closest I can get right now. --K

SocialMatters, PoliticalMatters, ReligionMatters

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Last edited June 9, 2005 4:11 am (viewing revision 9, which is the newest) (diff)