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So, you're saying that it was the salmon mousse?
But I didn't eat any of the Salmon Mousse!

With apologies to the Pythons and also anyone who can actually remember the sketch.


Oh come on, that's from MeaningOfLife, where MisterDeath comes to call.  It's not like it's obscure or anything.  Having said that, it also sounds like a character from RanmaHalf.  --Vitenka

I was more referring to my completely awful destruction of the joke and bad memory, not implying that anyone else didn't know where it was from. --Jumlian

This puts AlexChurchill in mind of the Monstre de Mousse, which is the magnificently misleading French translation of the recently-reprinted MagicTheGathering card MTG: Moss Monster...

SeeAlso http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DidNotEatTheMousse

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Last edited October 29, 2008 10:43 am (viewing revision 5, which is the newest) (diff)