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You see a... ..a WHAT? Um, you take a SanityRoll.
OK, you pass.
You see an eldritch [amorphous shape]. It is playing [blasphemous piping tunes]. It is standing amidst hideous cyclopean ruins of black basalt, deep below a sunless sea.
It's looking straight at you.
Take a SanityRoll.

It's like a forward roll, but ForTheMind?.

Mmmmm.  Basalt. 

If you are prepared to make a sandwich out of your own sanity, you probably need to see both a psychiatrist and a nutritionalist...
(PeterTaylor) Using one's own sanity is clearly a bad idea. That's why I used MikeJeggo's.
Ah, so that's what happened to it! --MJ

CategoryVoicesSeeAlso RPG...

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Last edited December 8, 2004 2:18 pm (viewing revision 7, which is the newest) (diff)