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Does the 'you' that you identify as exist without the physical brain?  If there is a mind independent of that, what is left for it to consist of?  Could an afterlife resurrect that 'you' without also having to recreate an analogue of much of your body too? --Pallando

Since what makes me 'me' is in my head (for example I can become crazy by repeated head impact), where would 'I' be if my head is no more? -ColinLeung

Most Christians believe in bodily resurrection don't they?  The OP's questions wouldn't be relevant in that context would they? --Mjb67
I believe that's the case.  Although the body will be different in some manners to our current bodies (see NIV: 1 Cor 15: 35-58), it'll still be a definite physical body.  --AC

ReligionMatters (MetaphysicalMatters? perhaps, but it can fit into ReligionMatters for now..)

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Last edited January 20, 2004 10:33 am (viewing revision 7, which is the newest) (diff)