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The following seems to be undocumented UseModWiki functionality:

Action: links
produce full list of all existing links
Action: links&url=1&inter=1
produce full list of all existing links, including external and interwiki links
Action: links&unique=1&sort=1
produce full sorted list of all existing links, mentioning each one once and once only (for some reason, this seems to include nonexisting links too. Oh, well..)
Fixable by inserting &exists=1 - Action: links&unique=1&sort=1&exists=1 --CH
Action: links&exists=0&editlink=1
produce full list of all UnreifiedLinks
Action: links&search=ToothyWikiInternals
produce full list of all links containing the word ToothyWikiInternals

Action: index
produce a list of all the pages on the site.
Action: random
produces a random page of the ToothyWiki.

Other permutations of the above work as one would expect.

Saying that, I've had to munge the code for subpages (e.g. ToothyWikiInternals/ListsOfLinks) to work correctly - the original would incorrectly display /ListsOfLinks and a broken link.

18-97-9-172.crawl.commoncrawl.org | ToothyWiki | ToothyWikiInternals | RecentChanges | Login
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Last edited February 24, 2004 4:48 pm (viewing revision 6, which is the newest) (diff)