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Robots In Disguise...
...Autobots wage their battle to
Destroy the e-
vil forces of
...the Decepticons.
TransFormers: Robots In Disguise

Gah!  IWannaGetThatSongOuttaMyHead! >.< --Kazuhiko
Up, and down... but in the end, it's only round and round...

Wow, *massive* nostalgia trip possible here for anyone who actually played with the toys.  Go through these two lists and see how many you can remember.  This is for fans of the toys, not necessarily the /Comics or the /Cartoon?.


The Japanese are big fans of TransFormers too. See for example [this set of toys]: you can get Devastator, Frenzy, Rumble, a flip-chest Optimus Prime, and... the Autobot AI, represented as [a tiny girl taking a bath]. I'm not making this up...


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Last edited December 1, 2004 11:36 am (viewing revision 7, which is the newest) (diff)