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Series of animations created in the UK by Aardman. Also a series of computer games (one out, one work-in-progress - WikiNow 13 Jan 05) based on said animations, created by Frontier, that MoonShadow has worked on.

ASIN B00004YN73

Game preview [here], amongst other places (see also Frontier).
Nice to see intelligent user views...  or rather, it would be nice to see intelligent user views *sigh* --Kazuhiko

Out in the shops now. ASIN B000096KEB - Xbox, Gamecube and PC versions also available. [Reviews] are trickling in...

A short ["making of" video] for the[upcoming film] is available online.

CategoryAnimation CategoryComputerGames

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Last edited January 13, 2005 10:46 am (viewing revision 14, which is the newest) (diff)