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Under Power

Location: http://underpower.non-essential.com/
Updates: Now (Feb06) mainly filler art with occasional comic-like art
Rating: 18 (by author)
Recommended by: Previously Kazuhiko, not anymore.

Rated 18 by the author, so not to everyone's taste.  Not many comics, for instance, would have a pimp as one of the main heroes...  It does feature a wonderfully [psychotic] cat-girl, and 'the elf'.  Based to a certain degree on gaming jokes and character cliches but is really quite cool... (if you're not planning on reading the comic but you are a FinalFantasy / anime fan, you might want to read [this strip] and the one that follows it...)

IMHO, the quality has recently dropped a bit, going more into violence without real reason (Cat-girl goes psychotic was amusing a couple of times.  Not any more).  Hopefully it will get back on track at some point. --K

Pretty much dead by the author's hand at the moment.  May rise again but hasn't had anything but a few filler pictures for months and a deliberate change to a 'non-story based comic' before that.  Ah well. --K

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Last edited February 11, 2006 7:09 am (viewing revision 5, which is the newest) (diff)