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Yeuch.  This page needs a more memorable name.  But "TheTravelerOfYamiHatAndBook?" (which is how the subtitlers translate the name) isn't much better.

This appears to be a fantasy set in many worlds, with a confusing mythology behind how some people can travel between them.  The main three characters seem to be:

Component parts, in decreasing order of significance:

There may be six different worlds, or maybe more.  Episode 1 starts off with some dreamy one-sided shoujo-ai on the part of Hatsuki for Hatsumi, and then things get weird with the magically glowing letter-opener (which nearly slit someone's wrists earlier) and Hatsumi vanishing.  Hatsuki goes looking for her, helped by the CanaryWhichMustDie?, and we teleport off to a spy plot on board the TransSiberianRailway?.  By the end of Episode 2 we're done with that world, and Hatsuki has ended up travelling with the clueless blonde bimbo witch and the CanaryWhichMustDie?.  The next world looks like it's got significant shades of RevolutionaryGirlUtena.

This is a weird anime.  All I'm really sure of is that it will change again - having changed style/direction halfway thru Ep 1, at the end of Ep 2, and halfway thru Ep 3.  It has shown itself happy to do nasty things to its characters, though, so a happy ending isn't guaranteed.

Oh, and we have had a brief voiceover cameo from some narrator character, who may get more development later.  As in, if you've just been showing the Student Council in a bizarre stained-glass Utena world, and then cut to a shot of the night train, it's not necessary to have a voice saying "Well, that's all of that world for now.  Let's go back to the story of the night train."  I guess and hope this narrator may acquire a face and personality later.

Distinctly odd.

Further notes on translation of the title: there are apparently characters called "Yami", "Hat" and "the Book" during the course of the series/game. "Yami" is in Katakana anyway, and so the title doesn't have the word "darkness" in. The name when spoken has a pause after "boushi to", so "hon no tabibito" could be "true traveller(s)" (the kanji is the same), except for the supposed character coming later called "the Book". But who knows, really.

Out of the two groups subtitling this title, Shounen-Ai and Miyuki Fansubs, note that the S-Ai ones (that I've seen, anyway) are in the new .mkv format; and also that S-Ai provide quite a bit of the story's mythology background in pre-episode notes.  This may be viewed as minorly spoily, and may equally be viewed as making things a bit less confusing.  Choose your version accordingly.


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Last edited October 21, 2003 1:53 am (viewing revision 2, which is the newest) (diff)